malevolent misunderstanding

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"What's with that teacher"? Nabora asks in her usual casual tone.

"Which teacher"? Yuji chimed

"We don't know what you're thinking,  a little context would be nice" Megumi added

"You know. . Yn" Nabora clicks as though she forgot the teachers name

"What about her"? Megumi asks

"Well she's close to Gojo right"? She asks clearly scheming up some gossip

Megumi pinches his nose. His mood resigned.

"Uh yeah I think so" Yuji adds

"So they are like-" Nobara makes a gesture with her hands indicating so kind of inappropriate intimacy.

"That's none of our business," megumi says

"Wait, does Gojo Sensei have a girlfriend"!? Yuji asks the group.

Megumi sighs as Nobara groans, rolling her eyes dramatically.

"Seriously! If one more person gets into a relationship before me, I'm gonna kill someone, " Nobara complains loudly.

Yuji snickers poking at her.

"Don't make assumptions," Megumi says

Nobara sighs before another brilliant light bulb idea pops into her head
"You're right. Maybe they aren't;" she makes the strange, intimate hand gesture again.

"Why don't we just ask?" Yuji points out the obvious

The group shares a moment to think about it. If they ask Satoru Gojo, he might make up some intricate lie to tease them, but if they ask you, you're more likely to be honest.

You stumble upon the group, sharing their thoughts as you slam a hand on the table to startle them.
"Hey kids!" You greet them happily as they startle

"Miss, are you dating Gojo Sensi?" Yuji bluntly asks, earning a nervous look from his friends.

You look at the three of them before laughing. "What?"

Megumi sighs as Nabora insists the question
"Well, are you?"

"No gosh, why would you think that?" You ask the group, looking at them with a smirk

"Oh, come on, you're always together," Nobara says, pressing you for answers

"We work together," you tell her. Looking at Megumi, I was wondering how much he told the group he keeps his eyes forward, not wanting to engage.

"Well, that makes sense, but -" Yuji starts

You take a seat at the table with them, taking off your gloves to stretch/crack your fingers

"But ! We won't judge even though he's a total wang" Nobara interrupts

You laugh at her comment. Her attitude and overall sense of humour was so enjoyable to you.

"I wasn't going to say that," Yuji adds a finger held up as though he was raising his hand to speak.

"Hey, isn't it a little strange to be interested in the personal lives of teachers?" You ask them

Megumi smirks at that comment, glad to see his friends called out for their shenanigans.

Nobara instantly points at Yuji
"Yuji just had to know" she says appointing the blame on him

Yuji shakes his head vigorously
"Wha- no! It wasn't"

You laugh leaning into Yuji as you do so. With out a single second of hesitation and a poor rash impulsive decision you touch Yuji's shoulder going to speak.

The lights go out in your mind as you realise the grave mistake you just made.
A strong sense of dread banishes your heart as you fall through a rabbit whole. Making direct contact with Yuji had sucked your self concious soul into his own.

Soft red light, bones of horned animals and that powerful cursed man upon his thrown. Sukuna looked down at you with a bemused smile.

"Oh you dumb poor animal" Sukuna purs.

Her Control (Satoru Gojo x Reader book 2)Where stories live. Discover now