Chapter 27

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It's a lie. It will hurt. Rohan and Maya together, or Rohan and Zaara together. Both will hurt me equally.

I felt selfish for that. I felt that I could never be satisfied with one. I felt that I needed both. Both the girls. Zaara and Maya.

I wanted to have Maya on the hook while I could try to hook Zaara on the other end someday. I considered myself a disgusting creature for it.

I couldn't stand the thoughts of Maya smiling for Rohan and Zaara talking with Rohan daily.

Why could he have both? And why can't I?

I stood up and walked towards the door, saying, "I need to go home." She kept smiling at me. Maybe she could see through me. Maybe my internal turmoil looked like a joke. She walked next to me with a smile and bid me bye.

Her smile made me stare at her for a second longer, and while I turned away, I witnessed Rohan on the streets.

Shiiiiiiiiii! He is going to have some crazy imaginations.

I faked a smile at him that was so fake that anyone could tell. He gave it a deadly stare. So I silently entered our house, which is next door.

"Having fun, it seems." His voice was rude.


"You disconnected my call in a hurry and took a day off just for this, isn't it?" Rohan asked in a stern tone.

"Just for this? What's so just about Maya?" I asked.

"So the day off is to continue where you left off that day. Can't you give some cool-down period?" Rohan asked, showing disgust in his face.

"Did you give? You are talking with Zaara daily, and it can annoy me too."

"You could have told," he said. He was right. I could have told the most uncomfortable truths.

I realized that I could get nothing out of arguing with him, especially when nothing actually happened.

My silence gave him a chance to continue talking. Continue showing his gray side.

"Her smile... the way she smiles at you... I just... don't want that. I don't want you to be the one who makes her smile." The dark side that he has is no less than mine.

I could feel what he was saying because I felt the same a moment ago. But both of us were wrong.

A single person cannot be the world. Cannot be the only source of happiness. 

She deserves to smile, and anybody could give her that. If anybody could give that, Rohan could also give it to her.

So it was time to reveal the truth. "I just conveyed your interest in her, and that's what made her smile. So technically, I am not the source of her happiness. You are." I said that and climbed upstairs without even looking at his face.

I turned into a jealous monster who hates seeing smiling people. My words could have brought a smile to his face, but I didn't want to look at that and feel more jealous.

Author's Note: I wrote this 10 days ago. My characters are out of my control. I don't want both of us to behave this way. But I couldn't do anything about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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