Chapter 1

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"Hey! Wakeup! Your girl is out the door," my friend Rohan screamed, to which I woke up instantly, as I couldn't afford to miss her even for a single moment.

I always wake up to see her, and I sleep daily, hoping that she has already slept. That had been my life for years, and I enjoyed those moments more than anything I had experienced my whole life.

I rushed to my front door to get a glance at her, because that glance is food for my soul. She lived a few meters away from my home, and the view of her from my home's front gate is worth a million.

"Hey! Stop staring. You are going to be caught one day!" Rohan was concerned for me.

"I hope I get caught one day by her. Her eyes should meet my eyes at least once in this goddamn life. I really hope." I said, staring at her from a distance.

She keeps me alive, but she also kills me by staying away.

"But why? Why her? Can't you find someone else?" Rohan asked, for which I couldn't give a direct answer.

"Her aura, even miles away, hit my heart, and maybe that can be the reason. Or maybe her long, dark, lustrous hair, the short, bubbly look of her, or her shy smile for almost everything. It might be her eyes or her skin, or it might be nothing said above and just her being herself. No one can be her, and maybe that's the reason." I said it almost poetically, and that too can also be the reason. She is the only person who can make me poetic, brave, and the hero of a story. No, hero of her story.

"Okay! Show time is over. She is gone. Come in." Rohan uttered, to which I didn't respond for a moment. After a few seconds, I processed his words and said, "This air still has her breath. Let me breathe it for a while. I will be in after some time."

"You are going to go crazy at the end." He muttered and went in.

I might, but I still want it.

After a few minutes, I rushed in, as I was already late for my cricket training.

"Should I wait for you?" Rohan asked, as he was also part of my cricket training.

"Yup! Tommorow I will wait for you, I promise." I chuckled and hurried into my bathroom for a quick bath.

"Hey! You are the one who is always late, but still, you have the guts to say this daily." He screamed, which I could hear even under the noise of the shower.

It took me just a few minutes to get ready. As I got ready, we both got on my bike, and I started my bike.

But over the sound of my bike, I could hear my girl's voice.

"Dad, she is out the gate; catch her!" She was screaming at her dad as her dog ran out of her home.

"Hey, I thought she went to work. Did you see something while I was bathing?" I asked Rohan because I always leave my home only after she leaves for work.
"Yup! She came back, but I didn't want to spoil today's training. So I chose not to say." Rohan smirked.

This has never happened before. She never took a leave from her work.

Is she unwell?

As uncommon as taking leave, one more thing happened that day. She came straight to me as her dog went the same way. I might have talked to her. But I couldn't. My throat got stuck up with something when she was coming straight to me. So I started my bike and went past her.

She needs help. She needs someone to help her catch her dog. You should not run away like this.

My mind kept screaming at me. So I took a sudden turn and went close to the dog. But unfortunately, her mom caught the dog before I could.

But still, a good thing happened. She noticed me. She noticed the presence of the invisible man who had been there in her life for years.

Under My Sight♥️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora