𓆩♡𓆪 Fragments of a...

215 7 9

Very short chapter today, I'ma update twice so expect another in a few hours. I tired (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)



"Oh my look at you" Britain comments seeing the state in which (Y/n)'s clothes were left in. Blot he's of yellows, reds, pinks, and many more covering his once white outfit.
"Sabee har womizo! Emro cardo mita!" The boy laughed back at his father, clearly happy about the outcome of his speech. Un who was watching silently, noticed the error and decided to speak, interrupting the boy mid sentence.

"(Y/n)" His voice instantly made the other freeze, turning to look at the winged man excitedly, "English bedopo" He corrected making the other gasp and cover his mouth. "Sorry!"

After the initial speech, the group huddled back into a presidential limo, and were currently headed in an unknown direction. (Y/n) Was buzzing with excitement, so happy in the moment, one could say his skin was completely pink! Or at least they would if his skin wasn't covered in colorful dust like it currently was. Britain sat across from his son, clearly tense with how 'dirty' the deemed the boy to be. "Are you sure we can't stop for him to take a shower?"

Mr. Cho gasped at the insulting words, "Absolutely not my friend, your son is the live picture of his nation right now" Britain made a face, clearly a bit annoyed at the other man "To wash him would be disrespectful"
Britain rolled his eyes before making a face that told Un he was about to start a problem. "Jack, did you enjoy the speech?" He asked, attempting to keep the cars ora at a civil leve, "It was very nice..." The other began, "Didn't expect them to change their flag, I think that was very sweet-"
"Oh my gosh, that part was so amazing. How did the government even allow that- and the people, they didn't even question it" (Y/n) began babbeling once more, clearly still on go. It made Un smile.

"The people fragments of you, it would be uncommon if they didn't go along with something for your betterment" The younger nodded before gasping with another question. "The ribbons" He pointed to Eu who was leaning against Uns other side, silently watching, "There were so many colors, what did they mean?"
"Ah, I see you've noticed that-" Mr. Cho tried to chime in, stopping when Un put a hand up Infront of him. "Let the boy figure it out himself, make it a little challenge... Along with this that is" Un handed the younger a price of folded origami.

"I hope you didn't think I forgot about our game" He spoke with a smile that (Y/n) quickly matched. "You're on"


Classical music played in the background creating a calm atmosphere, a stark difference from a few hours before.
Germany lit another candle, placing it on the table with the other three and smelling the air, sighing in relief.

Everything was perfectly clean.

Once he had gotten back from that God awful music concert, he had made sure to clean nearly the entire house. Wiping windows, scrubbing floors, even changing around the future. Getting rid of that horrible makeup was the hardest part. It was crazy how much of it he liked to wear. Germany always thought it messed with ones natural facial features.
A small timer went off on the man's phone making him smile and walk into the freshly cleaned kitchen. Flowers sat beautifully on the counter, their scent matching well with the sizzling meat slabs in the pan next to it.

Pulling off the lid, Germany took in the smell, closing his eyes in contentment before turning off the fire. He picked up a few spices, seasoning his food once again and grabbing a bowl from the cabinet. Germany didn't like cleaning dishes, so it was good that he had Germany who was a lot more willing to do things like that.

Germany wondered how the two had ever become such opposites of each other dispite growing up together.

He could probably thank their father for that. Pulling out a large serving spoon, the man helped himself to a serving of rice, sitting the steaming grains in his bowl and moving onto the cooked meat, seasoned with spices and topped with caramelized onions. A beautiful dish.
Germany carefully placed the meat onto the rice, making sure to use some of the oil from the pan as a topping, just to keep in the flavors. He sat the bowl down on the kitchen table, right next to the flowers and admired it.
A beautiful dish indeed.

Smiling to himself, Germany picked up the bowl, walking to the dining room that hadn't been properly used in decades. He walked down the long dark wood table, sitting at the very head of it and breathing in the serenity. The family home never looked better. Picking up the beautifully arranged utensils, Germany began eating, taking in the flavors with each bite and wondering how his brother could stay away from such an exotic taste of meat this rare. He could still remember the pleasure he felt in finding the best chunk of thigh for his meal. The joy it brought along with the whole process of cooking and cleaning was so peaceful, especially after being locked away for so long, hidden behind a fragile wall of pain and medication.

But that was okay, he was free now, and he wouldn't allow himself to be locked away again. That wasn't going to happen. "You know East..." Germany began talking to himself, well aware his brother was listening and unable to say a thing. "You could really use a new wardrobe. It was difficult finding normal clothes that weren't black or nerdy business wear" He complained, taking another bite of his food and making sure to get an even spoonful of both rice and meat. "Our skin looks best in warm colors, you should keep more red and tan, throwing in some white wouldn't be bad either."

The music played on as he ate in silence, talking to an invisible audience. A thud upstairs made him hum. "It's nice to see Vater is still alive, even in the state you left him" Germany began again, another thud being followed by a low muffled groan. "I would have assumed you'd be a bit less sloppy when it came to killing your family. You couldn't finish the job on me or him... If only Mutter had gotten so lucky" German suddenly grabbed at the table with his free hand, his fingers scrunched into the fabric of the tablecloth in a weak show of alertness, the grip loosening a second later.

"It's okay, I forgive you brother" Germany watched the scars on his arms, uncovered after so long of being hidden. "I know guilt ate at you for centuries" The man stared down at his empty bowl, a memory of his neck hurting, aching with the force put on it before eventually snapping being destroyed by his own flesh and blood.

"...And you deserved every second of it you pig"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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