𓆩♡𓆪 The car

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Something was wrong.

The feeling woke me up with a gasp, confusion coming after. Looking around, I could see that the lights were off meaning it was probably really late or very early in the morning.
Then what was I doing up?
Looking to my left, I noticed my husband was still asleep so it probably wasn't a noise that woke me.

I slowly pulled my trapped wing from under Eus head, being careful not to wake him, and moved to get up. It was still dark as I made my way to the bathroom, closing the door before turning on the light that blinded me for a second. After adjusting to it, I turned on the faucet and washed my face.

Something was wrong.

That feeling didn't go away. This wasn't the first time I could sense a disturbance being a peace union, though it didn't happen often, and made me wonder what could be happening that woke me up so suddenly. Looking into the mirror, I noticed the dark blue tint surrounding my eyes and I sighed, deciding to just put it to the side for tomorrow. It was far too late to keep myself awake trying to figure things out when I already didn't get enough sleep.

I turned off the bathroom light and opened the door, navigating my way back to bed in the dark, and eventually laying down in the warm blankets, my wings folding to rest behind me. A few minutes had passed as I grew tired again, slowly drifting back to sleep before the ringing of a phone shook me awake once more. "Hm.." I heard Eu groan and begin to stir from the noise.

"Who's...fuckin..." His words were slurred but I knew he was probably asking who's phone was ringing. "Nothing baby go back to sleep" I whispered softly, hearing a mumble from the exhausted union in confirmation. As his body relaxed again, I looked over to the dresser on his side of the bed where his phone continued to vibrate an incoming call. Most people knew not to call him at night so if someone was it was probably urgent. Reaching over, I grabbed the phone to answer, seeing the caller ID pop up as 'The boy'.

"Eu Ich brauche dein Hilfe!"Someone spoke in German from the other side of the phone; from the sound of it, they seemed pretty panicked. "Germany? Are you okay? What's wrong" I replied back in his tongue slightly sitting up in case I had to go. "Un? I-I need Eu, can you put him on, it's urgent, please" His breathing is erratic and definitely unsafe.

"Hey calm down, your hyperventilating" I told him, jumping out of bed and moving to get my jacket. This was probably going to need my attention. "Eu is sleeping so I'll deal with whatevers wrong-"
"No! I need- I need-
"Germany" I interrupted, "Tell me what's wrong"


(Y/n)'s panting was heavy in his ears as he ran, his body telling him to stop; his mind saying the opposite. He could feel warm liquid running down his arm but ignored it in favor of his seemingly endless trudge through the dark forest ahead of him. "Fuck!" He cursed nearly running into a tree for the fifth time, the only light guiding him being the moon and even that was obscured slightly by the canopy, yet and still he didn't let up.

Who knows if Germany was following him with whatever that beast was back in the kitchen, he could picture the two running behind him only making him speed up in his efforts to get away.

(Y/n) gasped as he was suddenly tripped by an overgrown root, fall instantly; the hard ground making him cry out in pain as soon as it made contact his his body. His wounded arm had taken most of the hit.

𓆩♡𓆪 My Angel (UN x Male CH Reader)Where stories live. Discover now