𓆩♡𓆪 His name

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Finland POV

"Can you believe some people these day!" I silently followed my brother as he continued his angry rant about the boy we had came across in the library. I was angry at him, a lot in fact, but somewhere in me, he felt...


I don't know how but for some reason I felt like I had seen that guy somewhere before. Familiar. Fuck.
I could feel the itching in the back of my head to remember but quickly shut it down by pulling my hat down over me face, covering the light from my eyes to focus on getting it to leave.

Stop please.

I know him.

Do I?.




As I was thinking, I suddenly felt someone wrap their arms around me and pull me into a warm embrace. "It's okay Fin, I won't let that happen to you again. I promise" Norway said breaking my concentration. He probably thought I was still mad.

No more touching.

I shook out of his grasp with a noise of discomfort at the prolonged hug and walked to the side of the car, soon getting in it. Putting my head on the window, I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate again, drowning out the sound of Norway starting the car.

Where had I seen him...


(Y/n) POV

I walked out of the bookstore with a sigh, yet a little bit of a spring in my step. I finally found the book and as soon as I got home I knew what I was gonna do. Pulling out my phone, I dialed Canada's number. He had called while I was in the store and nearly got me in a fight so whatever he wanted had better be good.
As soon as It started to ring, he answered, as if he was waiting for my call.


"Canada? What did you call me for?" I asked while taking a seat in the corner of the sidewalk. Laughing was heard on the other end of the phone from another person before Canada said anything back. "Uh... haha stop- Um (Y/n) wheAh- stop damn it!" I signed and waited for him to get himself together with whoever else was on the other side of the phone with him. After a second of giggles and whispered to shut up, he got back to me.

"Where are you dude, I wanted to surprise you but your not home?"

I frowned and looked at the book in my hands. "I went to the bookstore" I answered, silently debating whether I should tell him about those two guys. I mean what would that really do other than rile him up a bit. "Oh you mean that old library?" Canada said referring to the bookstore. "It's a bookstore Nada"

"No it's definitely a library, at least that's what I remember"

I groaned, "Okay, library sure. Is there something you wanted because I'll be home in a bit" I heard a bit of shuffling. "No not really, I just wanted to see when you'd get back." I cringed at the sound of something heavy hitting the ground. "Dude! That's my dads!"

Getting up from the corner, I started walking back to my car. "Canada I'll be home in a few minutes okay, and please tell whoever's there with you to stop breaking things" I said and quickly hung up. My mind soon wondering to unless topics as I got ready for the drive back home.



I called out into the seemingly empty house.
I was expecting the redhead to be sitting in the living room or eating something in the kitchen but I was only met with the sound of silence. "Canada?"
I closed the front door and stepped a bit into the house, suddenly feeling someone grab me from behind and pull me into a hug. "Hello baby brother of mine!" Canada said causing me to let out a squeak in response to the sudden grab. "Canada what the fuck!?" I cursed at him as he giggled in my ear. For some reason his voice sounded a tad bit different.

𓆩♡𓆪 My Angel (UN x Male CH Reader)Where stories live. Discover now