𓆩♡𓆪 Texting

619 32 44


(Y/n) POV

"Alright time to start this book!"
Picking up the book and putting my chips down. I felt determination rise in me and I opened to the first page.

"Let's get it!!"

-30 minutes later-

Words could not describe how incredibly bored I felt.
Turns out, starting a book was harder than I would have thought; especially one that was as thick as this. I sat laying on my bed with the book on its side. I had been staring at the same page for over half an hour and as I re read it over and over The information didn't even register. It was like I was reading a book in a foreign language.

Sighing, I suddenly felt my phone vibrate somewhere on my bed, quickly stinging my curiosity. I barley ever got texts so it was safe to assume it was from one of my sibling. 'But what if it's from a friend' I thought, snickering after.

I don't have friends

Picking up my phone after some searching, I turned it on to find a text from an unknown number.

-Good evening (Y/n) it's Deutschland

"Oh.. Oh!" I had forgotten I gave Germany my number. I felt another vibrate as he texted again.

-Deutschland means Germany by the way
-I'm sure you knew that
-If you didn't now you do
-Sorry for my rudeness

"Aw, that's cute" I said to myself. He must have been nervous to text me. Thinking for a second, I wrote back a teasing reply after saving his number.

-Hey Ger, what took you so long to text

There was a small wait before he answered.

-Sorry(TT) I didn't know what to say. It's not like I do this often

-Ha I can see that

I smiled and started up a small conversation with him; asking about his day and whatnot. From the conversation, I could tell that his life was on the plain side of things. Work, home, work, home, and repeat. That was no way to live, and I was surprised he hadn't lost his mind by now.

-what about you? I hope your day was at least better than mine

This text made me reflect on what happened at the bookstore/ library. Those two guys I ran into; maybe Germany knew them?

-I nearly got into a fight at the bookstore today

-What!? Why? You don't strike me as the type to fight someone to be honest
-no offense

-lol none taken
-And your right, I didn't start it. -Some dude came up to me when my brother called me. Legit took my phone from my hands and declined the call >:(

After sending this, I noticed Germany took a bit longer to reply back.

-Was the guys flag white with blue crossed stripes
-please tell me it wasn't

'So he must know who he is then?' I thought to myself quickly typing.

-It was
-How'd you know (・・?)

𓆩♡𓆪 My Angel (UN x Male CH Reader)Where stories live. Discover now