𓆩♡𓆪 Beautiful

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"...your gorgeous..."

I stared at the absolutely beautiful man in front of me in pure star stuck. The only word to describe him was beautiful. His skin was blue, the most beautiful shade of blue I've ever seen. His flag looked like a radar with a map of the world on it and two olive branches around it, weirdly complimenting his sky blue eyes that held the entire world in them; I couldn't look away.

I felt the warmth of his hands on my face making me feel safe as all my troubles wash away. I don't know what he did to me, but whatever it was, I never wanted it to end. "What's your name child"
God his voice.
I could feel myself melt under his gaze.
The voice of my brother snapped me out of my love stricken gaze and answering his question before I could.
His hands fall from my face, and those magnificent white and gold wings that I didn't notice until now, fold from around us and back to his side. He's an absolute Angel... "(Y/N)! There you are"

I felt someone hug me from behind but I didn't really care. I didn't want to look away from him, as if he would suddenly disappear if I did. Someone forcefully turn my head to look at them, soon realizing it was Canada, America panting not far behind him. "Dude... what happened?!" My oldest brother said between breaths as Canada looked over my face for any injuries or signs of panic, signing and hugging me upon not seeing any.

"Is everyone alright over here?" An unfamiliar voice asked us, prompting a response from the beautiful man. "No, I have this under control, get this hallway cleared please, thanks" His voice wasn't as angelic as it was before but still held the confidence and authority I heard in him. "Don't run off like that again....please..." Canada whispered In my ear, somewhat making me feel bad for my actions.

I didn't mean to scare him, I didn't even mean to run away. I just.... didn't know what came over me.
"....So I'm assuming this ones yours" The man spoke, causing Canada to let go of me and look up at him from our spot on the floor. "He's not a colony, but yeah you could say so" America walked over after catching his breath, looking down at me from behind his sunglasses.

"Hm, my apologies"
Slowly, Canada helped me get up, not letting go of my hand this time.
Though, upon standing, my eyes found the mans once again, making me look away quickly, feeling nervousness creep up my spine. "Sorry about that UN, we'll get going" America griped my shoulder, nearly making me trip and started pulling me in another direction.

...So his names UN, he must be the guy who sent me that letter...

Looking over at America, he didn't seem to be happy in the slightest. Though I couldn't really tell to well. Was he mad at me? Despite the growing worry in my stomach, I couldn't help but look back at UN, noticing his eyes never left my frame. That was odd....

I feel weird...


I flinched away at the wet touch of the paper town Ame was wiping my face with. Not because it hurt but because he was once again in what I like to call 'Mommy mode'.
"You should have kept at my side and not ran off like that" He said, attempting to touch my face again only to be rejected. "And will you stay still!"

America had dragged me to a nearby bathroom after what happened. Currently, he was trying to fix my face of stained tears and sweat but I wasn't letting him. I wasn't a baby, and it's about time he stopped treating me as such. "Can we just not talk about it right now..." I said quietly, moving his hand away from my face. "And I can wipe my own face ya know"

Ame stared at me and let out a long sign. Getting up and throwing away the paper towel. "Sure whatever... just... " He stopped and put his hands in his pocket, his face having a look I didn't quite recognize. "I just... I worry about you okay! I never want you to feel so panicked that you run away from us like that!" He motioned to himself and Canada who was quietly watching from the sidelines. "And this is your first day here, I wanted it to be... special ya know. And here we are already starting off bad"

𓆩♡𓆪 My Angel (UN x Male CH Reader)Where stories live. Discover now