𓆩♡𓆪 Cold breath

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"Wow! You live here!?"
(Y/n) nearly screamed in awe at the large red and black mansion as the two walked up to its old rusted gates. Granted, the boy did feel a bit uneasy that Germany lived so deep in the woods but all that had vanished as soon as he saw the 'house' itself.

"Is that a bad thing?" Germany frowned at the other who shook his head in response. "No I just- didn't expect this. It's bigger than my house and that's rare"
The man let out a small laugh and walked up to the side of the gates as (Y/n) followed with a happy hop in his step, watching the house in amazement.

Upon getting closer, the boy could see that they still had a large old and rusted chain lock around the front of the gate that blocked anyone from opening it. From the looks of it it looked like it hadn't been open in a very long time.

He tilted his head in confusion, "Hey, if the gates closed, how are we gonna-" (Y/n) was silenced at the sudden realization that Germany was already on the other side of the gate. "How did you..."
"Climb the gate" the other pointed to a part of the old gate which had less veins than the rest of it.


"Climb the gate, it's safe I promise"
"When you say it like that it doesn't seem safe"
Germany smiled at the other and watched as he reluctantly grabbed hold of the gate, stepped on the carefully crafted spirals running down its front. "Do you do this every day to leave your house?" (Y/n) asked as he housed himself over the gate with a lot more difficultly than he had first imagined.

Germany just shrugged, seemingly spaced out. 'Okay then' (Y/n) thought as he got to the other side and ran to catch up with his friend who was walking up the dark bricked stairs by then. A silence fell over the two as they came to the front doors of the mansion; Germany pulling out a key to unlock the door. The younger boy noticed how his entire demeanor had changed from when they left the coffee shop; going from seemingly angry to sad and now... nothing. If that made sense?

"You okay Ger?" He asked, placing a hand on his friends shoulder. In turn, the Germany's eyes wondered to the hand, and then to the other noticeably bruised one. "Stay here while I get you first aid" He spoke softly as the two entered the foyer. "O-okay?"

Just like that, the man went off in a random direction, leaving (Y/n) by himself in the still house. The boy took a second to take a look at his surrounding, firstly noticing the many photos scattered around. One of which sitting on a nearby dark red cabinet. "Oh my" (Y/n) muttered to himself at the sight of a little Germany sitting in a chair and staring out of a nearby window. He was holding a toy soldier and didn't look to be any older than 10. "Awww, so small"

He smiled to himself, glancing around at the other photos hanging around. More pictures of Germany growing up. One of him playing with other children, one of him sitting on that hatch of a military tank unbothered. Another of him holding a very large looking weapon for his small size. That one made gave (Y/n) a laugh.

After he was finished looking at the photos, (Y/n) shrugged and took in his surroundings. To his left was an arched entryway into the living room that held a cold feeling too it; he floors being dark wood and a red brick fireplace on the far side that seems to have been untouched for a very long time. All of the couches were also black and that was the same with the glass table in the middle of the room. It was somewhat cluttered with papered of which (Y/n) couldn't read but knew were probably important. Other than that the room looked about as normal as any living room would look, just... extra dark. This house seems to really like the color black.

𓆩♡𓆪 My Angel (UN x Male CH Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt