𓆩♡𓆪 Animal

469 23 52

Long ass chapter ahead - sorry for the wait


"So what do you wanna do now?" (Y/n) asked after stretching in the dark carpet on Germany dining room floor. Having just eaten, he decided the floor was a comfortable place to lay down. Germany who had taken after him, laying a bit of ways away, hummed in thought. "We could just sit here if you want"
The younger boy groaned dramatically and suddenly sat up, looking down at his best friend.

"How about we do something fun!...you got anything fun around here?" (Y/n) hesitantly asked, almost as if he was afraid of offending Germany who only looked away in thought. "Hm... I don't think so. I mean we could watch a movie or something"

(Y/n) perked up as a thought ran through his head. "Hey Ger?" He asked, with a smirk, rising suspicion in the other. "Yeah?"
The younger boy stretched dramatically before laying his head on Germany's chest, a puppy-eyed look on his face. "Can I see you room"
The rejection came almost instantly. "What you mean no?"
Germany shrugged making (Y/n) groan and stand up being sure to make a show of himself as he shuffled all the way to the living room door; Germany smiled. "Don't be such a baby"
"Too late!"

In the living room, the boy got ready to turn on a movie only to stop when he didn't immediately seeing the tv remote. 'Where did I put it?' He thought to himself before deciding to take a step back, and crouching to see if it was under one of the couches.

Resting his head on the floor, (Y/n) noticed the black remote sitting a little ways away from him under the couch, just as he thought it would. Giving a little cheer, he reached under and grabbed it, shifting to get up before something shimmering in the corner of his vision and caught his attention. Taking another look (Y/n) noticed something under the far end of the couch, almost hiding. He curiously reached for it before feeling the feeling cold metal touch his skin. 'The hell is this?' he thought, pulling the whole thing out to take a look.

As he raised it for him to see, he stared in awe and object in which he held. It was... What was it? It almost looked like a dog collar... but more like a black leather collar with spikes running around that connected to a long silver chain leash.
Did Germany have a dog? He didn't hear any dog this whole time.
"Germany" (Y/n) called to his friend who's footsteps soon made there way over "hm?"
"What's this?" He held up the dog collar(?) for the other to see; a look of utter shock leaving germanys face pale.

His mouth opened and closed repeatedly as if wanting to say something but not knowing how to while the younger male just stared in curiosity. "I didn't know you had a dog" (Y/n) commented, using both hands to further move the chained leash for a better look only to have it suddenly taken away by the older male. "Where did you find that!" Germany whined as a dark blush left his face redder by the second. "Under the couch... why?" (Y/n) noticed the way he was seemingly trying to hide the collar behind his back as if not wanting him to see it.
Was he not supposed too?
This spiked his interest.

"N-No reason... give me a minute please" Germany mumbled that last part and then began to speed walk away. "Wait a second"(Y/n) called making the other stop in his tracks, not daring to look back. It was at this moment a realization struck (Y/n) like a brick, making him gasp out loud. "That's not a dog collar is it!" He dramatically declared; the other stiffening but not responding. "Germany..." (Y/n) spoke, now placing a hand on his friends shoulder. "Is this a BDSM thing?"

"What! Can I not give comfort, is that something I'm not allowed to do now. We all have fetishes, don't be embarrassed"
"It's not- ahh!"

𓆩♡𓆪 My Angel (UN x Male CH Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora