𓆩♡𓆪 The Hunt

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UN made his way to the living room with a yawn. He didn't really get much sleep last night and was feeling slightly tired so he decided to just take the day easy; I mean he didn't have any planned so why not.
The winged man took a seat on the living room couch, and felt something crunch under him causing him to get up and take a look at what he may have trampled only to see a small origami butterfly that sat crumbled and unwrapped, seemingly having been discarded by its owner.

"Oh there you are" UN said at the remembrance of the animal. He didn't even get a chance to read it yesterday.
Softly sitting this time, he picked up the creature and fully unwrapped it, watching as the words formed sentences on the page, and those sentences formed a riddle.

'What English word has three consecutive double letters?'


UN re-read the riddle only to smile to himself at the thought that (Y/n) was capable of thinking up something not so easily guessable. It's not that he expected any less being as though the boy was top of his class, he was bound to be pretty smart... who is he kidding. UN one hundred percent expected something much simpler.

"Okay then, let me see" He spoke to himself, beginning to dissect the riddle. It had to do with knowledge of the English language for sure. First, one must know of words with double vowels. And with that, the word was probably going to be compound. The first and last letters of the combined word would probably form one set of double letters.

"A bookkeeper"
A proud smile adorned his face at his quick thinking. Un was old enough to know almost every language inside and out after all. 'Nice try (Y/n), but your gonna have to get more creative than that'
The man got up and stretched his wings before deciding where he should go to find the boys next riddle.

If the answer was a bookkeeper then that meant the next riddle had to be at a library, though because (Y/n) and him shared the same love for a certain book, that could also mean the riddle was in an opposite place of a library. 'I think I'll just try my luck with the library first' UN thought, getting his things and heading out to the world building for his next clue.


A while later and the man had just opened the doors of the worlds library, a confident smile on his face. "Alright, let's hope your next one is harder" He said out loud before making his way to the front desk where Vatican City sat reading his bible, a glass of ice coffee nearby.
He had been laying on a chair; his gold and white wings laying over him like a blanket which also matched his long golden hair just barely holding up in the bun he had placed it in. The man's yellow eyes were trained on his book never leaving the page, not even when the library doors had opened. He had to be the bookkeeper (Y/n) was talking about, I mean he was the librarian after all.

"Hello Vatican"
The male in question looked up as soon as he heard his name from the taller mans mouth. His concentration seeming to have dropped only to be replaced with a slightly annoying and intreated look "Oh? UN hi, what brings you here?"
"I was wondering if you had anything for me" UN proposed causing the other to raise an eyebrow. "Like what?"
"Um... origami maybe?"

Vaticans expression showed nothing but confusion making UN start to wonder if maybe he didn't know anything about the riddle. "What are you talking about"
"Oh uh!...n-nothing. Say, you didn't see a male country with pale white skin come by here yesterday did you?" He decided to switch his line of questioning.

𓆩♡𓆪 My Angel (UN x Male CH Reader)Where stories live. Discover now