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The meeting continued as normal. Well, as normal as I think it could be. Being as though I've never been to one before I'm guessing this is normal. "I'm not doing that shit!" My brother America shot up and yelled at someone behind us. "Make them leave yourself or I'll have to use force!" A guy yelled back, I didn't wanna turn to look at who it was though, it wasn't my argument.

"Oh really, why don't you just fucking do it then bitch, you don't have the balls!"
"America! Russia! Enough! There will be no more fighting in here!" UN yelled at them from the front, startling me a bit. So far I've learned that these meeting are very much not what I though it would be. There was a lot less agreements and a shit ton of shouting and getting angry at one another.

"If you two can't come to an agreement than I'll have to make one for you-
"Don't you fucking dare UN, I need those troops over there. Don't forget I have territory to protect too!"
My brother was getting kinda heated and I'm not sure I liked it.

I slowly raised my hand at an attempt to talk but was startled by someone else speaking first. "America, I don't see why you always need to interfere, why can't you stay in your territory without pushing it!" America quickly turned to the foreign voice making me look as well to see a country I recognized as Slovakia said from his chair a few rows away. "Actually I have an idea!" I quickly spoke up before my brother had a change to insult the other country.

All eyes instantly went to me making me realize I had the spotlight. I secretly played with my hands under the table as I began speaking. Now was my chance to maybe impress UN.
"Uh... " I began, " What if America stayed in his territory, but was allowed access to his recourses through Mr. Russia's territory. They could use the train or air way systems to get things from one place to the next without anyone noticing"

The room was quiet as everyone continued to stare at me, only to be interrupted by a chuckle from someone, soon making everyone in the room laugh. My eyes went wide in embarrassment, not really knowing why what I said was funny. It seemed like a good idea to me.
Shrinking down in my seat, I felt my face get hotter. "Quiet down everyone!" UN announced to the countries, only making the noise die down a bit but not completely stop. I looked to my side to see Canada with a slightly sympathetic look on his face, and dad attempting not to laugh but failing, further hurting my ego.

Eventually, the laughter was quiet enough for UNs beautiful eyes to look at me, although I wish he didn't. As far as I know, I was now the comedian in the room. "(Y/n) do you understand what SST105-12 is?" He asked in the softest way possible. As if he were talking to a child...

"...No..." I answered honestly. Should I know what that was? They never taught about it in school... at least I don't think so. UN sighed in what I could only assume to be disappointment before speaking again. "It's a classification of forbidden material. Basically it means it's highly unstable and can only be transported by hand. So that means no trains or air travel unless you want to explode." That joke sent everyone into laughter once again.

My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.

I frowned and looked at my hands as the meeting continued. "If you two can't figure out a way of transportation by the week mark, I'll take over. Now sit down America"
I felt my brother sit next to me with a pout, probably feeling just as shitty as I was at the moment.

Damn it

How am I even gonna live this down

After the meeting, everyone got up and started conversing with one another. I on the other hand was still embarrassed so I stayed put. I noticed a girl walking up to me with a smile on her face and flinched. Could this be my first friend here!?
Upon her getting closer, she gave a slight wave and a smile making me give one back, though at a closer look, I noticed that she wasn't looking at me; but instead she was looking at Canada.
"Kanada hi!" She spoke to him as she jumped on her heals.


Why do I keep embarrassing myself. "Oh, hi Ukie, is everything okay?" The two started talk, making me shy away.
I turned to where America was sitting, hoping to talk to him to feel less awkward but he wasn't there. Looking around I saw him talking to Mexico, once again leaving me on my own to willow in my shame.

I turned to my name to see Canada looking at me. He had gotten up without me noticing and was now holding that girls hand and looking at me. "Ima go uh... I-I'll be back at the house later. Stay with dad and don't wonder off please" He spoke with concern but ultimately perked back up at the sight of that girl, quickly making his way out of the room with her.

Sulking slightly, I looked at dad. He was packing up his things and putting them neatly in the folders of his briefcase. "Dad can we go home, I'm... kinda tired" I lied, to be honest, I was extremely embarrassed and just wanted to go to sleep. "Oh?, you don't want to go make a friend or something before we go?" Dads confused face made me sign. "Dad I'm not 5, I'll do that next meeting..."

I could feel my social battery running low just from being here. It was time to go. Dad frowned at me just as he finished packing, "Well alright..." Getting up, we both began our walk towards the exit. I noticed dad from the corner of my eye, touching his pockets; soon seemingly searching for something.

"You okay?"
"I think I left my pocket watch in my office..." His eyes met mine and I knew what was next.
"It's upstairs, and 5th door down the European hall. Thanks son" He game a smug smile and continued his walk to the car, leaving me behind.

I know this trick; dad used to do this when I was in school. If I wanted to leave earlier without talking to anyone, he'd send me to get something where I would have to talk, in hopes I make a friend on the way. What am I, Dora the explorer.
Well I wasn't gonna play into his plans today, I was gonna find his office without help.

Following the directions of my father, I found my way into the European section of the second floor. The rooms were labels with golden letters depending on the country. Some of the doors were open as a few nations were talking to one another inside. I tried not to noticed their eyes on my skin as I passed. "Are you supposed to be up here?"

Someone asked me from behind, prompting me to turn around to greet them. It was an older man. He was a bit taller than me but not by much. He dressed in a bright yellow shirt with a floral pattern dotted over it and black dress pants. In my opinion, he looked quite nice in it too. His flag was red and yellow, a very pretty combo. "Uh...what?"
"Are you supposed be up he...." He stoped talking upon seeing me fully, running his eyes up and down my frame. He must have been staring at my skin...
"...Bueno, no eres una belleza..."

He spoke in a language I didn't understand and took a step closer to me, prompting me to step back slightly. "Uh- sorry what-
"So why are you really up here, looking for something? Someone maybe..." He almost purred.

....am I being flirted with.... Naw I'm too ugly

"I'm looking for Britain's office, he's my father. Do you know where it is?"
The man smirked at me, "I'll tell you in exchange for your number"

"Spain you missed the back side of this document"
Another voice sounded from down the hallway that the man -presumably named Spain- had came from. It was a woman this time. She was looking down at a paper as she made her way over to us, soon looking up only to freeze upon seeing me. Her eyes wide with a look of horror.

"France could you give us a minute, I wanted to talk some more with...?" He stoped seemingly asking for my name. "(Y/n)..."
I looked at the woman upon her answering for me. She still looked in a state of shock. Was she at the meeting too? I don't think I saw her.


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