𓆩♡𓆪 Ballet

673 26 57


Third person POV

(Y/n) smiled as he walked through the door of the now familiar world building. It looked just as busy as it did any other day with people and countries moving about and looking rather busy. He spotted a few countries he had seen from the last world meeting going about their lives; it almost made him jealous how important they looked.
"Alright bro I'm off" Peru interrupted his thoughts and began to walk off only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder. "C-can I come, I'm still not too sure of the layout ya know"

That was a lie. (Y/n) was in fact very familiar with the layout of the building being as though Germany had showed him nearly everything that he could without going against the rules. Though he still didn't know where UN was at this time, and didn't feel too comfortable roaming the building without a clear excuse as to why. That would just be awkward, even if he did find the man.

Peru raised an eyebrow and smirked, pretty much getting what the other was putting down. "Ah so big brave (Y/n) can't hold his own? That's adorable. The boy in question was quick to try and defend himself to avoid embarrassment but was shot down by Peru's snickering. "It's okay mi amor. You can continue to use me as your alibi." His words instantly made (Y/n) sigh in relief. "Thanks I-"
"Ah ah I'm not done" The smirk on perus face grew.

"You can use me as an alibi only if..." He paused, quickly tapping (Y/n)'s nose, "...only if you promise me a favor"
Worry ran through the boy at the mention of a favor, especially a favor for someone like Peru. "O-okay. What kind of favor?" Of course he knew it wouldn't be too extreme, but then again you could never know what this particular country would do.

A pleased look ran over Perus face at the compliance. "You owe me. I'll use it when I need it" He said, then began walking away; (Y/n) finding that as his queue to follow, silently agreeing.

The two walked through the halls, Peru smiling and greeting those he knew while (Y/n) just watched.
Most of the people who greeted Peru simply ignored him, others opted for the quick sympathetic glance. Either way, no one really knew him enough to talk to him, or cared for that matter. "So who's this lucky man that has captured your heart before I had the chance?" Peru decided to start a conversation instantly grabbing the others attention.

"Um- uh... he's... Someone"
"Someone you say?" The look on his face told (Y/n) he could see right through him and unfortunately for him, he also knew Peru wasn't someone who backed down on information. "So who is this 'someone'? Does he have a name?"

"Um... no?"
"No? Never heard of a human without a name" (Y/n) bit his lip. He knew exactly was Peru was doing and decided to keep silent.
"So he's not a regular human then? Good to know"


After a moment of silence between the two, Peru spoke again. "If he's no regular human, that means he's a countryhuman correct? Or am I just reaching"

(Y/n) was practically screaming in his head from uncertainty; he wasn't sure what to do. "N-No-

"Ah so he's no country either is what your saying?"

"No that's not it!" (Y/n) quickly turned to Peru, trying to make him voice sound as believable as he could. "Hm, really now?" By this time, the two had stopped walking and now stared at one another, one of them internally freaking out.


Feeling uncomfortable, (Y/n) began walking again, hearing a small laugh from Peru at the way his teasing was effecting him. "Tu adorable, don't worry I'm done asking questions precioso"

The two walked up a flight of stairs in silence again, coming to a stop at a checkpoint terminal. "You have your keycard or didn't get that yet?" Asked Peru, as the two walked in line to the checking booth. (Y/n) simply nodded and began to get his from his pocket, only to feel nothing there.

𓆩♡𓆪 My Angel (UN x Male CH Reader)Where stories live. Discover now