𓆩♡𓆪 Im Pregnant!

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"I have an announcement everyone!"

France tapped her glass with her spoon making everyone look up at her from the breakfast table. "I have something very important I want to tell you all-
"Whatever it is I didn't do it!" America jumped from his seat half asleep causing his brothers to laugh at him. "No ones talking about you stupid" Australia said from across the table, snickering at his older brother.

America gave a look and folded his arms to fall asleep again. "Youuu....shut up..." His voice trailed off.
"Go on and say what you needed to say dear" Britain who took a sip of coffee said and went back to typing away on his computer, almost not even paying attention.

France sighed and touched her stomach hidden under her bright orange sun dress. "...Je suis enceinte.." She spoke quietly, almost checking to see if anyone was listening only to see Canada nearly choke on his breakfast. "What!?" He shouted, scaring everyone else at the table. "Your serious!"
"What, what happened?" New Zealand walked into the dining room at the shouting. "I'm very serious-
"Maman, c'est une excellente nouvelle!"

The boy jumped from his seat further confusing the rest. "What? What's going on?" Britain finally perked up from his computer, not even hearing what was said. "I don't even know" Australia replied as he took another another bite of his pancakes, not really caring.

France giggled. "I said I'm pregnant!"



"What you mean by that!" America who was fully awake by now spoke in disbelief. "What do you think I mean, I'm pregnant!" It was silent as everyone stared at France with wide eyes. "There's no fucking way..." Australia squealed, "There's no fucking way!"

"....Are you sure..."
Britain who was previously quiet until now, spoke up. His face held a look of shock and in a way, almost denial. "I took three test this morning..." gleamed the French woman

"They were all positive"


"So do you think it'll be a boy or a girl" New Zealand laid a hand on the now heavily pregnant woman's stomach. "It's going to be a boy" She replied, slowly taking a bite of a cookie.
"And how do you know!"
"I always do" She smiled at her only daughter. "I knew you would be a girl before the doctor told me. It's just a feeling."

"I think your wrong" America walked into the living room with Canada trailing behind. "I feel like it's gonna be a girl" He protested, making Canada glance at him, "Your not the one having the kid, how can you be sure?"
"Don't know, must be that feeling she talked about" America took a seat on the other side of his mother, putting a hand on her stomach and smacking off New Zealands. "Hey, what was that for!"
"It's my turn kid" He argued sucking his tongue out and slowly circled his hand around the bump to get a feel of his unborn sibling. New Zealand pouted and got up, sitting next to Canada on the floor as he turned the tv to something a bit more fit for a child of her age.

"Can't you ask the doctor for the gender?" Canada turned around slightly to ask his mother said question. "I could..." she started, "But then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it, plus I know it's a boy already" She gave a soft smile and took another bite of her cookie, suddenly gasping and nearly dropping it. "Are you okay?" Her oldest son asked, quickly taking his hand off of her. "Was that you or...-

𓆩♡𓆪 My Angel (UN x Male CH Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora