Chapter 9: Old times

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As much as I love Flynn, I feel though I am pushing away my friend. She's probably already heard the news about Flynn and I all over the internet. So, I wanted to catchup with her, I miss being around her. She had such a unique personality and we have been friends for ages. I grab my phone and call April. Buzzzzzzzz,

'Hello?' April sounds confused.

'April it's Lynsey!'

'Oh my god! Lynsey how have you been?'

'Great actually, are you busy today I would love to catch up with you,'

'I actually am free, and I would love to meet up and talk!'

'Awesome! Do you want to go to Little Sister café at 9:30?" I ask.

'That works perfect for me! I'll see you there Lynsey!'

April hangs up the phone.

Butterflies fill up my stomach, I haven't seen April in ages. There are so many things that I want to say and do. The last time I saw her things got a little bit messy, and I would like to fix that. I get out of bed to see that my red dress is still on the floor in mess along with Flynn's tie. Shit.

I rummage through my wardrobe trying to put a half decent outfit together, so at least it looks like I have my shit together. I pull out a nice sky-blue dress of the coat hanger, it's perfect. I slip on the dress and try to find a bag. I'm so excited to meet up with April it's been so long, I grab a random bag on top of the countertop before locking the door to my apartment. I walk down to the elevator pressing the button. I patiently wait for the elevator to come up. Ding! The elevator doors open slowly I step inside. The doors shut slowly, and I look around. I walk to wards the Mirror staring at myself coiling my blonde hair through my fingers. Looking at the person who people perceive. The elevator doors open again, and I turn around spooked by the sudden noise. I walk out and smell the fresh air hitting me in the face, it was cool, but it had a different smell. It's weirdly comforting. I walk over to my car pressing the button on the remote key in my hand. It made a satisfying click. I climb inside my car and start driving out of the car park. My hands are sweaty, I'm so nervous to see April, I don't even know why. I pull up near the café, I wipe my hands on the edge of my blue dress, I look at myself in the rear mirror and smile as I get out of my car. I walk up to the café my eyes searching for April. I walk inside and out of the corner of my eye I spot April; I walk over to her, and she runs up to give me a warm hug. I really needed that hug. We sit down at the table tucked into the corner of the café. The café was small but very cute as it gave off cottage vibes. I hadn't said anything yet and the sole was starting to get loud. "So how's work been?" I ask her to try to break the elephant in the room.

"It's been okay, very busy but it would be nice to have you back," she smiles,

"Yeah, it's been while but so many things have been happening it's very overwhelming, that's why i talked to the people holding the scholarship to put it on pause." My smile slowly fades.

"Oh okay, I wasn't aware what's been happening?" April curiously asks as she leans in more forward.

"Well- "I pause to take a breath, "Um so Adriana died, I keep having these weird dreams, Flynn pretty much kidnapped me, the paparazzi, Ryder. I have so much to catch you up on."

"Woah, okay. I was not expecting that." April looks like she had been hit in the face.

Silence ones again fills the space between us.

"I'm so sorry about Adriana, I knew you guys where close. Has the funeral been held yet?"

"Yes, it was held in Australia however I used pretty much the last penny I had for that." I sigh thinking bout Flynn.

"Your last penny? What happened?" She asks concerned.

"Me and Flynn got into a fight so he pretty much ditched me with no money." I tsk

"Wow, that's harsh. So, I take it that you and Flynn are a thing?"

I give her a look that answers her questions.

"Oh ew, I don't need to know about that!" She covers her face as it goes slightly red.

I laugh to myself. I find it weird that we we're once arguing about this man, and now I'm sleeping with him. What are the chances?

"So, you said he pretty much kidnapped you, what do you mean by that?" She asks worried.

"Well, I got wasted next to my sister's grave because I was wallowing in self pity, and the next morning I was in America at Flynn's house with a locked door." I explain to her.

"Well, if you ask me that sounds like her cares about you," she smirks.

"Well, the kidnapping was a bit extreme, but I see where you're coming from." I smile, as we both laugh uncontrollably.

"So, the big question what's he like, he's really cute," she grins.

"He's amazing,"

"Is that in the bedroom or out of the bedroom?"

"April! That's, oh my god, why would you ask that?"

I look over at April who's now fallen off her chair and is on the floor laughing so hard that she looks like she is having a panic attack. However, a strange feeling fills me. Jealousy. Why does she care what he is like? He's, my boyfriend. I Shake my feelings off, as I feel defensive of him. April and I order some coffee and we sit and chat with each other for another hour.

"I have one more question to ask," April asks me.

"Yeah of course what is it?"

"Earlier you said you have been getting weird dreams, what are they about?" Curiosity kills her.

"About my dad mostly. I've only had 3 but they have all been pretty consistent. But the night where I was drunk at Adriana's grave, she appeared in my recent dream telling me that I was going to be okay. Each time I find my self waking up sweating and screaming names. I wish they would stop." I explain to her feeling a little burden coming of my shoulders.

"That's a crazy dream, do you think it could also have to do with the fact that they have both passed?" April sits up more Sternly, "Have you seen anyone about these dreams yet?" Her facial expressions change again.

"No not yet, I'm worried that they will call me crazy and and turn me down," the words flow out of my mouth with ease, I feel comfortable and safe with April. I quickly glance down at my phone as it lit up with a notification. It's Flynn with the messaging reading meet me at my house now. A sudden fear inside me spiked, it looked urgent. April notices me looking at my phone, "Everything okay Lynsey?" She asks trying to look at my phone. I move my phone back, "Yeah Flynn just said I need to meet at his house, it seemed pretty urgent." I pace.

"Oh okay, I guess the means you will be going now?" She says sitting up out of her chair,

"Yeah, I'm so sorry, but it was nice to catch yo and talk with you I am sure that we will catch up soon," I add in being polite.

She gives a nod of approval before giving me a hug one last time, I smile at her before I turn around. What could it's be that Flynn needs me now? I guess I will have to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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