Chapter 8: Flashing lights

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The bedroom is cold but a nice comfort cold where I can lay in my blanket forever. Flynn is resting on the other side of the bed. He looks so peaceful and carefree. How can someone look so handsome whilst sleeping? I pull myself out of bed and look around his house, I guess you can say this is the first time I have been out if this room except for yesterday. His house is so modern, sleek. It has a nice finish better than my current home. As much as I would like to stay here, I would like to go home and rest in my own bed.  I look around his house for a piece of paper and pen. As much as I love Flynn I don't want to stay here forever. I open one of the draws in his office, his office is big and filled with lots of old books. It reminds me of an antique store everything looks old and wise. I grab the piece of paper and pen and sit down in his chair and start writing. The way the pen glides across the paper spreading its ink. Gliding with such ease.

'I left to go back home I talk to you soon xx'

If I remember right Flynn said it was going to be a long drive from his house back to the city, so I decided to call an Uber to meet at the end of the driveway. I place the note on the kitchen bench and smirk, I look around for the door to get out of here, his house is so big. I open his tall dark panel door and walk a outside feeling the cool air Hug me. Great, his driveway is super long. I walk down his stairs to the dark concrete road the texture of the reload makes my feet tickle. All of a sudden, a group of people pop up with these big, large black cameras. "There she is there she is get her!" I can hear one of the guys yell.

The flash is so bright, and I have at least 8 different people taking photos. I am getting super overwhelmed, and I don't know what to do! Where did they even come from? I started running to the point where I can't feel my feet and I won't stop running until I can't see them anymore. "What were you doing at Mr. White's house?" A guy screams at me. I can see the Uber it's got to be at least 10 meters in front of me now. I open the car door and through my suitcase inside and quickly jump in as the paparazzi swarm the car, I cover my face to hide myself. I wish the earth would absorb me whole. "Please just take me to the city get me out of here!" I raise my voice at the Uber driver and before I know it, we leave the house. I shaking what just happened? It's like my body is still processing it. My eyes start to warm up and I can barely see anymore my tears blocking my vision. My delicate finger constantly whipping my eye. It's so embarrassing to cry, I'm in the back of an Uber for Christ's sake. Why is my life so messed up?

I make it's back to my house safety, Flynn wasn't joking about the long car drive.

I wheel in my suitcase through the door, and I don't think I have ever been so happy to be home. I shut the door and run to my soft grey couch practicing hugging it. I pull out my phone in terror. No. No this isn't true. The newest story online was about me! There were pictures of my everywhere all over the internet with headlines reading, 'Famous Motorbike Racer Flynn White had a rumoured girlfriend leave his house this morning,'

I think I'm going to pass out.

The photos are terrible. They make me look like hideous.

I frantically pull the blinds over my windows and cover my self in a spare blanket left on the couch. I never want to leave my house ever again. EVER AGAIN. I FaceTime Flynn crying uncontrollably, he picks up the phone and he look extremely worried.

"Lynsey what's wrong?"

I can barely make any words because I am crying hysterically.

"I never want to leave me house again!"

"Why what's wrong? Are you okay?"

His eyes frantic and desperate

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