Chapter 1: Racing Dreams

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"Be who you want to be, not who they want you to be"

I finally have a normal life.

I can finally live the life I have always wanted.

People doubted me, they never believed in me not like my father. It feels like he watches over me. Constantly looking over my shoulder the thought of that made a cold shiver run up my back. My father always told me to reach for the stars, but I never would have thought that he would be with the stars what felt so close to me is now so far. Ever since I was little my dad was there for me, he cared for me. He made sure that I had a shoulder to cry on at the end of the day. He was a big influence on my life without him I don't know if I would be here today, achieving my goals.

I now live in America, because of him. I moved from Sydney Australia not too long ago to pursue my dream of nursing and being able to give back to the community and make a difference in people's life, just like my dad. Since I moved from Australia a lot of things have be super difficult it feels like some days, I am carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. I moved for one goal. To pursue my dreams and follow my heart! I know it sounds super cheesy but that's something I have my heart set in gold.

"Get your head out of the clouds Lynsey, we have stuff to do around here," April rushes,

April is my best friend; she's been my number 1 since I saw first light! I don't know how she puts up with all my bullshit. April and I work in one of the most prestigious medical schools in America I'm here on a scholarship and I have never looked back. April is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet, and she is head over heels for any hot guy that walks straight past her.

"Chop, chop! We don't have all day!" April exclaimed clapping her hands,

"I'm coming, let me finish the last of my documents," I reply.

"Okay, okay! I'll see you in the meeting," April exclaims walking off into the distance.

My black ink pen scratching at the paper, trying to find its own rhythm. I toss my head in boredom; I hate working on documents they're the worst it feels like I am being sucked into the void of emptiness. Just as I am about to finish the soul sucking document Trevor slides across the counter,

"How's it's going?" Trevor calmly asks,

"It could be better, honestly," I give him that look.

His curiosity kills him, He peeks over the desk and looks straight back up at me with a smug face.

"So, you the one stuck with these documents," he chuckles to himself.

"It's not funny Trevor," I tease him.

"I know I'm sorry... that it's super hilarious!" He starts laughing.

"I do not need you bothering me right now and I- "

Just as I was about to finish, I got interrupted.

"We need a PRIVATE ROOM STAT!" The hospital director shouted out.

What could it be now?

"You in the white button up and brunette blonde hair, I don't know! Hurry up and follow me in here!" He orders.

"Me?" I exclaim,

"Yes you! Now move along!" He said with attitude.

I swiftly trail behind the director as nurses in ocean blue scrubs are wheeling the bed cot around trying to find a secluded room. I catch a glimpse of the person lying down he's in a bright blue suit with an American patch on his left arm, he has sweaty greasy brunette hair that looks weirdly fluffy. Maybe he's a veterinarian? The nurses find a room and wheel him in whilst I wait outside the room. The hospital director walks out over the room and walks over to me and takes a look quick glance at my id,

"Lynsey, right?" He asks,

"Yep, that's my name," I chuckle nervously.

"I need you to take care of this very important patient, the other nurses and I have some very important paperwork to fill out, okay?" He explains.

"Yes sir, I'll get on it right away," I nod with confidence, I gulp.

"Okay I trust you," he gives me a look with hope in his eyes, they twinkle as the sun hits them.

I gulp, all of a sudden, I have so much pressure on me! I haven't been assigned to a patient by myself yet. I take a deep breath before I enter the room my head filling with questions and thoughts, I wonder who this very important patient is? I wonder if it's someone famous. I walk in pushing the thick canvas curtains aside...

Tragically Mineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें