Chapter 4: Maybe i'm not okay...

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It's the morning of the flight and I'm not ready to leave yet, I think Flynn has started to grow on me. He's nice and kind and he cares about all the little details that I swear no one appreciates. He's like a dream man! Maybe I'm his dream girl? I just don't like how he spends his money on me, there are so many things that you could be putting that money towards instead of spending it on some random girl your met at the hospital. I appreciate it, I really do. But it feels wrong taking his money it almost feels like I am taking advantage of him. I toss around in my bed thinking about him, a guy that I just met a little over a week ago. Buzz, my phone vibrates on my bed side table I quickly rollover kicking the thick blanket as I reach my arm over, I grab my phone and curl back around. It's Flynn,

'Are you fully packed?'

I love how he cares about me. I start typing my response with a smile on my face,

'Of course, just waiting for my limo to show up.'

I laugh to myself thinking I'm hilarious.

'Oh of course madam! Right away!'

Was he being serious? I hope so! My stomach roars in hunger I need some food asap. I get up from my bed feeling lightheaded and tired I drag my legs to the kitchen with my shoulders slumped. My eyes dart around the kitchen looking for water, I rush over to put my head under the sink letting the cold water run down my face, knock knock! Was Flynn here already? That was quick. Maybe it's the limo? I switch the tap off and walk over to the door, my stomach still growling. I open the door, it wasn't Flynn I read their shirt, Uber eats? I laugh to myself must have the wrong door just as I was about to close it the Uber eats guy stops me, "uh Lynsey?"

I stop for a second to think, maybe it is for me? "Yeah?"

"Here's your delivery," he hands me the brown paper bag and smiles.

Just as I was about to say that i didn't order anything he walked away. I guess it's mine now. I shut the door and walk back to the kitchen where I place the bag on the countertop. I tear the label holding the two sides together and pull it open to see a handwritten note on the top of containers it reads,

Hey love,

I hope you're feeling okay and had a good sleep last night, I bought some food for you hoping it will tie you over until the airport. I'll see you soon love; I hope you're ready to go.

He always finds a way to make me smile, I reach my hand into the bag and pulled out a plastic container I open it to find out it was sushi! I love sushi! I race around my kitchen for my chopsticks I snatch the container and run to the couch where I start eating my sushi. It's so flavourful and mouthwatering, he knows me to well. I finish up eating the delicious sushi and try to finish up the last of my packing. Knock knock, now's not the time I haven't even finished packing yet. I quickly run over to the door to see who it is, it's Flynn. He's still tall, he towers over me. "Ready love?" He asks smiling.

"Yeah, just give me one moment!" I say before turning around and quickly putting the last of my stuff into the suitcase, it's way too full. I think Flynn could hear me struggling because he walked, "need help?" He looks at me.

"Yes..." I sigh.

So much for girl power.

"Here you need to do it like this," his hands guiding mine, I lose my sense, a weird sensation rushes through my body. I couldn't feel my fingers or toes. "Hey, all done you did it!".

His warm smiles, I feel as if there is a chance with him. He picked up my suitcase and rolled it out on its wheels out of my apartment. I lock my apartment and trail behind him to the car, we take the lift down, it was kind of awkward not saying anything ding! The elevator door opens up and I follow him to his car we slow down when we get to a Kia, "you got Kia?"

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