Ch 7: A Day out with Araddha

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It was a pleasant morning. After waking up, I brewed a cup of coffee and delved into my books, studying for an hour. Realizing it was time to prepare for college, I called Kartik to see if he was also attending. Upon confirmation, I quickly packed my bag and headed downstairs for breakfast.

As I entered the dining area, I noticed Aunt Aarohi in a heated exchange with Aradha. Curious, I inquired about the commotion. Aunt Aarohi explained that it was Aradha's second week of college, yet she was refusing to attend because her driver was absent.

In jest, I remarked, "Why fear when I'm here?" Despite my attempt to lighten the mood, I could sense the frustration on Aradha's face. Perhaps she had her reasons for wanting to skip college that day.

After breakfast, we set off for our respective colleges. During the journey on my bike, I asked Araddha what was bothering her and why she wanted to skip college. She explained that she was in a bad mood because she had quarreled with her best friend, Ariana, the night before. She simply didn't want to face her at college and needed some time to refresh herself.

Upon hearing this, I pondered for a moment and decided I could help improve her mood. I pulled over, parked my bike, and called Kartik. I informed him that I wouldn't be attending college that day due to an emergency and asked him to handle things discreetly without informing Aunt Aarohi. I trusted him to take proper notes and assured him I would explain later. With that, I ended the call.

Araddha was taken aback by my sudden decision. She asked where we were going, to which I replied, "I'm taking you somewhere that will help you feel refreshed. You'll see."

As we glided along the River Thames on the speedboat, I couldn't help but notice the pleasant expressions on Aradha's face. The wind tousled her hair as she gazed at the scenic views around us, a sense of calm washing over her troubled demeanor.

As the boat cruised along, I decided to broach the subject of her quarrel with Ariana. With a gentle tone, I asked if she felt comfortable sharing the details with me. Aradha hesitated for a moment before opening up. She confided in me that she harbored feelings for Ethan Silverado and intended to propose to him. However, Ariana disapproved, citing Ethan's questionable character as a reason to deter Aradha's affections.

Her revelation struck a chord with me, as I recalled my own altercation with Ethan in the past. Sensing Aradha's apprehension, I reassured her that I understood her predicament.

Before the conversation delved deeper, Aradha swiftly changed the topic, steering our discussion towards the breathtaking scenery unfolding before us. We marveled at the landmarks lining the riverbanks, momentarily setting aside our personal concerns in favor of enjoying the serene moment together.

We were about to get on my bike and head home when I got a call, it was from mrs. Siyara. I picked up the call.
"Well, you are spotted with a girl near the thames river, so who is it?" Asked she. "Umm, Mrs Si-" I was interrupted in between when she said, "Aunt Ava, Aunt Ava who was your kindergarten teacher and you were her favourite student that's why she calls and checks upon you. this is my identity which is to be revealed if anyone asks. Anyways call me after you head home." Saying this she ended the call. Araddha inquired, "What's going on? Who was on the phone?" I pulled on the helmet and said "Nothing much my old kindergarten teacher, she was inquiring about me. I was her favourite student so..."
Then we drove off home.

Aunt was watching a movie when she turned her head towards us upon seeing us enter and exclaimed, "Well, both of you are home so early, and TOGETHER?" stressing on the word together. "Actually I didn't have much work today so I thought to pick up Araddha and found she was also free so....we are back home. Araddha emerged from behind me and went to her room silently. "Okay, go to your room and have some rest" said aunt and I went to my room. Upon entering I threw my bag on a side of the room after which I realised oh shit! I had my laptop in it! Huh whatever I threw my body on my bed and called Mrs Siyara.

Ritik-R, Siyara-S
R- "Hello?"
S- "So, you are skipping classes now, going on dates with girls?"
R- "Aunt, see that's not the matter it's my niece! She was not feeling well so-"
interrupted in between
S- "See Ritik, I'd never alter in your personal life after your Revenge is completed, remember that the head office of the mafia company resides here."
R- "yes, I know"
S- "They have security guards everywhere observing people, your being close with Araddha posses a great threat to her life."
R- "Hmm" I said in affirmation.
S- "Complete your studies at college, master yourself in the technological field and also physically take your revenge, then enjoy all aspects of life"
R- "Yes, I'll definitely!"
S- "One or the other of my men will be always around you keeping an eye on you, you will never know who they are but they will protect you if they see any life threat to you, I'll be always monitoring your actions Ritik be careful"

Said she and cut the call.
I kept the phone aside for a moment then closed my eyes. But Alas! Another call to attend, it was Kartik this time.

Kartik- K, Ritik- R
K- "Oye, suar sale aj assignment submission date tha mereko phasa ke emergency bolke bhag gya?"
[Oye, cursing today was assignment submission date and you said you had an emergency and ran away??]
R- "Oh shit!!!!" I looked around my room and replied
"Thank God I didn't go to college i did the assignment all night still i forgot to take it, still lying on my table"
K- "You fool!!! Professor told that he will deduct 5 marks from our project!!!!"
R-"Well, there's nothing we can do now."
K-"You are not at all spending any time with me most of the time you are busy and even you didn't attended college today I was so bored" said Kartik dramatically.
R-"Tbh, that's kinda gay ngl"
K-"Hatt bkl"
R- *laughed a bit*
K- "Well, the Race week at the Crystal Palace RC track is starting from today!"
R- "Hmm, So?"
K- "Blud don't be a boring guy come join us to watch today's match"
R- "Ahh it seems you won't let me rest with peace"
K- "Did you lift 1000kgs that you need rest? Or did you baby sit a baby? No na? Then no excuses I'll pick you up at 6pm"
R- "I have my own car and I'm not your PRINCESS so that you want to pick me up blud"
K- "Well you are!!" He said and ended the call.

Kutta kahika [cursing] said Ritik then kept his phone aside to have a nap.

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