Little bit of both - Twentyseven

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For the first time in a couple of weeks I slept. All night through. Somehow what Kaden said calmed me down and what he said... Was just "it'll get better". A platitude.

Mum had been helpless with me as I had stopped eating properly and just weeping into my pillow or staring outside the window; just like any emo feeling teenager does. I bet you did it too.

I finished up at the bookstore early, but decided to head over to the camping site anyhow. Figured I could just chill, read some magazines, take a dip in the lake, whatever. Dad had bought, found or dumpster dove me this old bicycle. It was for men, it was horrible to ride and the tires kept going flat so I carried the air pump with me everywhere I went. It was rusty more than anything, but I think it was this ugly green before. It got me from A to B and that is all that mattered.

So I took my bike and rode to the camping site. I left it at the bottom as I couldn't make myself push it up the hill. Left it leaning against the public sauna building and walked to the small dock they had put up on the public beach. I sat down and just watched the lake. Have you ever just sat down, listened and watched the lake? Nothing gives me more peace than a lake does.

I heard someone step on the dock and I slowly glanced over my shoulder. A boy with sand colored hair.

"Ollie?!" I whisper and jump up to my feet. He smiles and opens his arms just before I jump on his neck.

"See? I never have to leave the camping site to find a beautiful girl." It takes exactly two seconds and I am crying in his arms.

"What happened?"

"He left." I whisper and he pulls me tighter into his arms.

"I'm here. It's going to be ok."

I worked my shift and Kaden popped by a couple of times to see if we were still hanging after work even though Ollie was there.

"We had plans. We're hanging." I tell him the last time and he nods,

"Better get to the grass cutting before I am told off." He smirks and leaves, the open door lets a small breeze flows in. It was so hot, so very hot that summer.

Ollie sits by the table all evening and reads some year old magazines, keeping me company. Camp site is relatively busy that year and I barely have time to socialize with him.

"I don't mind. It's enough that I know I'm here in case you need me." And it was.

Thomas dropped by quite late on that evening and leaned over the counter,

"I like your new look." He was checking me out in my apron. I roll my eyes at him and ask,

"What are you doing here?"

"Pack of smokes, please. And uh, Matt is here." I drop the pack of smokes from my hands but he catches it mid air.


"Center. I know you work at the bookstore. So be careful. I don't know if he has the nerve to follow you here."

"Right. I'll spend my summer checking over my shoulder too. Great."

"I can put someone standing by if you want."

"What, from your crew that I am not supposed to know about?" I ask and to my surprise he nods while saying very simply,

"Yea." His cap is backwards and I see a drop of sweat on his temple. Ollie perks up and walks by,

"Is it the same guy from the festival?" Thomas turns to him and nods,

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