“I must confess, Vincent-” Herman began. 

They were walking towards the —- where the Max members often met up for a light chat and drink. 


Vincent looked up. Herman had a bit of a pout which Vincent thought was both endearing and hilarious. It was a face that Herman saved for Vincent- he’d rather die than to pout in front of anybody but Vincent. 

“-Don’t get me wrong. I’m entirely happy that you are a Max- for the moment, at least-” 

“for the moment” because Vincent was still rather cautious of the idea of joining the Max and thus had decided to give it a few more evenings (and meetings) until he gave them(the Max) his word. And Herman always made sure to add that little bit of information as to not do anything close to intimating anything. 

“I am too.” Vincent smiled. 

Herman quickly responded with a smile before continuing. 

“-but it’s just that this is not how I pictured our time to be spent!”

Herman cried out as he stressed the “our”, as if to again make a point that their time together was being endlessly consumed by the other guys. 

Vincent laughed a little- he found this entire conversation rather too adorable to take seriously. Then laughed with more passion when he noticed Evan creeping up next to Herman. 

Evan raised his finger in front of his lips with a mischievous smile. 

Meanwhile Herman was confused and a little hurt as Vincent appeared to be so very happy when he was just complaining of the loss of their sweet time. He wasn’t sure how to react, for Vincent was normally always so compassionate. Just as he was about to say anything, Evan whispered into Herman’s ears- 

“Herman dear, I strongly suggest you let the others know about that. We’d be thrilled to hear about your thoughts, you kn-”

“-Fuck’s sake!” 

Herman cursed with quite some level of vehemency as he furiously rubbed his ear to rid himself of that hot breath. 


Evan jumped back just in time to dodge Herman’s swing. 

“You’re the worst, Evan”

Herman stressed every word as if to compensate for the million curses he had on the tip of his tongue.

“Good boy Herman!” 

Evan jogged behind Vincent. 

Evan was having so much fun lately. Normally Herman would’ve cursed a billion times by now- with gritted teeth. But there he was, smiling and letting Evan have it. All because Vincent came into the picture. How wonderful.

Herman forced a smile. 

“I’ll see you later in class” 

Evan gasped.  

“You hear that Vincent? He’s a beast! Dear me! Perhaps I shall amuse my good friend Vincent with some facts about Herman Rosier. Now, when was it? Freshman year? Oh no, was it at the mixer? Not even his mixer- what a night it was-” 

Herman charged towards Evan, still wearing a nice smile. 

“But that’s a story for another day- now’s our time to run!” 

Evan ran- with Vincent’s arm in his firm grip. (“But Evan!” Vincent cried out, for he was and never will be a runner- but too late. Vincent was practically dragged by this athletic boy) 

Herman and VincentWhere stories live. Discover now