“Vincent, tomorrow is the Max’s regular session.” 

Herman murmured into his ears as he stroked Vincent’s back. 

Vincent sat sideways, leaning against Herman's chest.
Herman had sat Vincent on his lap, which Vincent opposed against for a bit- for it felt rather awkward to sit on another’s lap when he was not a child but a fully grown man himself (even if Herman was quite much bigger than Vincent)- but as always, Herman got his way. 

Vincent shifted a bit under Herman’s touch. 


Vincent meagerly responded by humming against Herman’s broad chest. 

“You will come, right?” Herman slid his hand between Vincent’s two thighs, massaging one of his legs. 

Vincent blushed and looked up at Herman with a pretended glare. 

Herman only proceeded massaging up towards Vincent’s groin, smirking as if to say “I’ll keep going until you give me a straight answer.”. 

Vincent inwardly sighed a bit at Herman’s rather childish ways but decided to give in, for he knew Herman would undoubtedly keep on going - and won’t hesitate to dig his hand under Vincent’s clothes - if he didn’t give Herman a satisfying response. 

Besides, they had already made an agreement previously, that Vincent will attend the gathering first and then perhaps, proceed to join, or not.  Still, Herman wanted a more definite answer that Vincent will appear for the gathering tomorrow, for he knew Vincent was rather blase about the entire idea. 

“Not that you would stand me up,” Herman smiled, enjoying the sight of Vincent blushing pink; Vincent bit his lips to distract himself; Vincent was struggling to pretend Herman’s hand wasn’t bothering or making him feel anything inappropriate- after all, it was just an innocent massage- but really, Vincent’s effort made it seem much more indecent. 

“Hm?” Herman pressed for an answer as he reached Vincent’s crotch. Vincent crouched down a bit, tightening his two legs though it made little difference. 

“mm..” Vincent moaned and shifted his position a bit. 

“Is that a yes?” Herman softly laughed in a low voice. 

“..But what if I, don’t want it after all..” Vincent raised a concern. He didn’t want to disappoint Herman by expressing any eagerness towards tomorrow’s event. 

Vincent could feel the finger move around with no hesitation. 

“Then you don’t take it, my dear Vincent. I simply wish that you enjoy tomorrow’s evening.” 

And since Herman had gotten the answer he wanted, he allowed Vincent’s hand to stop any more movement. 

“..don’t worry.” Vincent smiled and relaxed a bit. 

But soon Vincent cried out a sound of surprise, when Herman softly, but with enough force, grabbed Vincent’s crotch. 

“Herman..! What, but I just said..!” and he rambled on in confusion. 

Herman leisurely rubbed Vincent’s crotch without giving notice to Vincent’s surprise, but simply answered, 

“you’re hard, Vincent. You weren’t possibly thinking of leaving the premises like this?”

“No..? But, well.. not here,” 

Vincent made a little frown and jumped out of Herman’s lap. 

Vincent stood awkwardly, brushed off the wrinkles off his shirt a bit, fixed his tie, rearranged his jacket a bit and then all the ordeal done in swift movement, finally proceeded to cover his bulge, and

Herman and VincentWhere stories live. Discover now