The Max session for this evening was held at Evan Cecil’s place. It was the Cecil's second home and thus not as massive but it was still of considerable size. It was a modern mansion of three stories high, with bright lights streaming out from the terraces. Unlike, however, the outer modern design of which white and black were the only major colors, the inner interior was quite different. The Victorian-esque design with high ceilings and many valuable antiques, although beautiful, certainly had rather an old-fashioned mood to it. 

Vincent looked around- not too conspicuously- as he was welcomed in. 

“Good evening, Herman- and… Prince.” Evan greeted them around the hall as they entered. 

“Please, call me Vincent. And good evening to you too Cecil. Thank you for having me.”

Herman smiled gently.

“Please, Evan. And the pleasure is mine to finally meet you, Vincent. Herman has been talking non stop about you.” Evan gave Vincent a giant friendly smile- he was American- from Washington D.C- and gave Herman a fistbump on the chest. 

Before Evan could say anything else, Herman swiftly got Evan in a headlock. 

“Vincent already knows I’m obsessed with him Evan. Nice try.”

Evan- though slightly choked- managed to muffle out a “ooh, is Mr. perfect in love?” 

For as much as Herman was friendly to everyone, he was also entirely uninterested in others. In fact, it was Herman’s first time to bring in a new member. 

“Shut up. Are we all set?”

Herman finally let Evan go, as he looked around the corner to check the drawing room- where the guys liked to hang out before the evening began. 

Evan coughed a bit, mouthing at Vincent “bastard”, pointing at Herman in a comical manner. 

“I saw that.” Herman said out loud. 

“We’re even then” Evan replied as he straightened out his ruffled shirt and tie. 

“But now we shall go- the Max, and I, have been waiting for the last two to arrive.”

Evan smiled towards Vincent, as he led the way towards the dining room. 

Evan was very friendly, he seemed to be eager to talk to Vincent- Vincent wasn’t sure if that was just Evan's default mode or if it was out of genuine interest. Either way, Vincent found him agreeable. 

“Let me know if that two-faced bas-, sorry, if Janus doesn’t treat you right. You honestly seem too nice to hang out with that piece of sh-, walnut.”

Evan barely stopped himself from swearing- Evan swore a lot; he cursed all the time- because for some reason, Vincent’s innocent face made him feel like he should watch his language. Weird, Evan thought. 

“Herman has been great, but thanks Evans.” Vincent laughed a bit. He could definitely see the element of a Janus in Herman, particularly when Herman attempted indecent affairs on campus. 

“I used to think Herman was the biggest assh-, biggest snob- well, don’t get me wrong, I still do-, but he has some qualities I could certainly work with.”

(Herman muttered out a “I heard that along with everything else you said during the past thirty seconds”)

“Such as his good hearing-”  Evan winked at Herman. 

Vincent had been quite nervous about the evening- the idea of meeting Herman’s friends, and Herman too in a way, for it was Vincent’s first time to actually see the version of Herman with friends around. But so far it seemed good. Evan was especially amicable too, which helped Vincent’s nerves. 

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