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"Tell me, what do you want"

Vincent asked dryly, although it was more of a flat remark than a question.

But he had no more politeness to spare for this rascal.

Besides, he was no longer going to have this Peacock speak of questionable things in front of Herman. At this rate, it only seemed a matter of time.

("I find minority history most interesting. The Petersons seemed to have risen from a minority background which makes me in awe even more so. And I think there are some other families that share a similar history.. the Manners, the Bates.. and Delfins too? "

- which was not true at all; the Delfins were a traditional royalty, losing the fame it once possessed only towards the modern days. But it wasn't a matter of truth or false. Vincent could no longer stand this. It was far worse, for it happened in front of Herman.)

Theodor stared at him curiously.


Vincent let out a short sigh as he shut his book with some passion.

"You have been pestering me for weeks. You find me- I know not how nor do I wish to know- and interrupt my reading or my time with my friends. This is ridiculous."

Theodor seemed to consider the question as if he truly had no idea this was what Vincent thought of his previous visits. Vincent watched him with discontempt and frustration. He was not used to being involved in such imprudent interactions.

"Firstly, I sincerely apologize if that's the impression I have given you,"

Theodor began with a tone that sounded apologetic but at the same time, confused.

Vincent was in the middle of rubbing his face out of exasperation when he heard this "apology". This was completely unforthcoming that he instantly stopped with his hand covering the bottom of his face. His emerald eyes were round, unblinking.

"You've got to be kidding me.."

Vincent muttered under his breath with soft indignation; honestly, what did this senseless Peacock expect him to think when their first encounter formed with a threat? And here he was, posing ignorance!

Vincent had a strong urge to leave this conversation and had to seriously control himself not to act out on his desire.

Theodor went on. Vincent wasn't sure if the dumb Peacock sensed what emotion that was invoked upon him, for Theodor spoke on with the same tone and face.

"I only wanted to introduce myself to you, Vincent."

Vincent didn't respond nor make any motion to imply that he was listening. If this guy was being serious, he did not want to acquaint himself anymore than he would if he was not speaking the truth. What could one possibly do with a man that lacked such basic social cues? Honestly, who would think it would be a good idea to threaten someone to become friends? All sorts of thoughts raced through his mind.

But Theodor's so-called apology/confession felt much too absurd to take seriously and thus Vincent had almost decided that this was all a mere nasty joke Theodor was playing on him.

Theodor stayed silent for a moment; he had noticed that Vincent was indignant and Theodor didn't blame him. It was indeed a terrible first impression. Though it wasn't a "first" to either of them- but only Theodor remembered, so it might as well be their first.


Theodor started, with a hint of guilt.

After what felt like an eternity to Theodor, Vincent slowly turned to look at him.

"If that's how you choose to explain yourself, I believe the matter is settled."

VIncent was not going to entreat Theodor to keep the secret. A Prince never begged. They simply silenced the opposition. Perhaps it was not exactly moral, but what else should they do? Vincent had been watching the situation carefully during the past weeks. It was time he informed his parents about this.

"Wait, Vincent.. Vincent, I,"

Theodor struggled to organize his words.

Vincent did turn to acknowledge him but the beautiful emerald eyes that met his showed absolute indifference towards what he had to say. No trace of emotion was to be found. Not even indignation that was evident only a few moments ago, and not even mild annoyance.

"..I know you- "

Vincent turned away his gaze, as if uninterested.

"I mean, we know each other. We met, you see."

Theodor laughed nervously, for he knew perfectly well how absurd this may all sound.

"It was my birthday- April 28th, 20-. My seventh birthday."

Theodor stole a glance towards Vincent. Theodor rambled on desperately, for he was well aware this could be his last encounter with Vincent.

"My parents wanted me to make good friends- the ones that would raise the name of the Wentworth. They would dress me up in the best suit, set up extravagant parties. They would tell people that I begged for such a party- I think my parents thought people found ambitious kids to be interesting. By my seventh birthday, I had nobody that I truly liked. I didn't like the gifts nor the clowns.. not the pool even, which says a lot about a seven year old child."

Within Vincent, a bud of interest sprouted. It was not the content but this sudden change of air that grasped Vincent. Theodor that carried himself like a worthless clown all this time was assuming an air that was completely different from his previous manners.

He was desperate, genuine and nervous.

"But then you came to my party. You will not remember- of course, I don't expect you to- but you were the first and last person to ask what I wanted for my birthday. You see, birthdays never meant anything for children that belonged to the bottom ranking families. At least those that aspired to climb up higher in rank. Birthdays were one of the most graceful excuses for the family to engage themselves with higher ranking families."

Theodor spoke slowly. He was replaying that moment for the millionth time when he first met a boy whom he wanted to know more about. Where he actually felt something for the first time. He could not believe he was confessing this piece of memory to the person he have only been dreaming of for years.

Vincent began rummaging through his memory to recall a birthday party he went to when he was nine; nothing came to mind. In fact, the name Wentworth was no more special to him than every other name.

"That was the only pleasant memory I have had of my birthdays. And when I got into your acquaintance, I was eager to firmly attach myself to you."

"I'm sorry, Vincent"

Theodor finished his story.

It was Vincent's turn to speak.

He considered what to say. He felt quite bad for Theodor. He seemed to have had an awful childhood. He wasn't too shocked, however. Perhaps because Theodor possessed certain features that implied a dark childhood, such as his face suddenly darkening at a mention of an otherwise random word, appearing to lack social cues etc. But that was that. A sad childhood did not justify his past behaviors.

"That still doesn't explain why you should be probing around the private matters of the Prince."

Vincent said at last.

Herman and VincentМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя