The second month was coming to an end. Nothing of significance had happened, though lately Herman had been encouraging Vincent to join the Max. Vincent really did not favor the idea, for he knew the society was practically a legal ground for power play. Though the Prince wouldn't be prone to any such actions, Vincent found it extremely distasteful to witness any of that.

Yet Vincent had little courage to tell Herman his feelings about the Max

Thus Vincent had stuck to simply dodging the question for a long while like this; 

“Vincent, as for the joining of the Max,” Herman would begin, though even before he mentioned the word “Max”, Vincent could usually assume it would follow, for Herman had these distinct eyes when he spoke of the society. Could it be pride? Vincent couldn't be entirely clear of what those blue eyes contained but it was certain that they were the eyes Vincent saw often when he was a Rosier not Herman.

And every time before Herman could continue, Vincent would endeavor to change the topic. 

“Oh but look at the sky, Herman! I’m terribly sorry for interrupting… but just look! It is quite wonderful.”

And Herman would generously give in to the tricks, look up at the azure blue sky, clear of any sign of clouds. Then Vincent would gently lean against him. 

“You are quite impossible,” 

Herman would murmur, a sweet laughter beneath the surface, letting his fingers brush through Vincent’s soft black hair-

-to which Vincent would simply hum as if he didn’t know what Herman was referring to. 

But there were also times when Herman chose not to give in to Vincent’s impudent attempts:

“Now Vincent, I understand you feel rather nervous of the idea,” 

Herman began for probably the third time during the past few weeks.

“but I truly wish you would join the Max. We could spend more time together.”

Herman gently pressed on, watching the expression on his beautiful Vincent grow perplexed. 

Vincent winced a little at that. It was a valid point and Vincent found it rather unfair on Herman’s part to touch his weakest part. 

And yet, Vincent had his concerns. 

“I would if that were to be true but I don’t know Herman. Wouldn’t it be rather the opposite? I feel like that would make us spend more time with the Max, not away from it..”

Which was indeed a fine point too, for the Max was one of the well known fraternities. 

And still, this didn’t stop Herman from coaxing Vincent to join the society. It only made sense for a Prince to take part. Herman was adamant to invite his new friend- and lover though he was yet to define their relationship, not just yet… it was.. complicated-  to a world where they both rightfully belonged.

This incessant proposal had recently led Vincent to practically avoid spending more than five minutes with Herman. It was one of Vincent’s natural disposition too to avoid the problem really than to confront it and though it cost Vincent his time with his good Herman, oh, he simply could not help the matter.

And so, Vincent had come up with many excuses, such as “I’m afraid I have an interview with my professor this afternoon.” or “But I must go now. I applied for an audit.”. 

Herman and VincentWhere stories live. Discover now