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It simply happened that Herman and Vincent had developed a friendly relationship during the official couple weeks in which first years were provided assistance. It had been nearly a month now and they were often seen together. 

They especially spent a lot of time by Vincent’s college which was perhaps a 15 minute walk away from Herman’s, for Herman was a business major and his college was located in the center of the university whereas Vincent’s was nearly around the edge, as far away as possible from visitors and naturally, noise. 

Also Vincent’s college had many hidden places; students said that it was all calculated when the college was built- making benches or putting big sittable stones randomly to fit the taste of many thinkers. But it was much too random to have been calculated at all, for if it weren’t for Herman, Vincent knew he would never have managed to find any of them himself. 

“How’s college?”

Herman asked as he plopped down on the bench that was pleasantly warm by the sunlight pouring down onto it. The autumn sun was indeed mighty even under a wide shade. 

Vincent didn’t have to look up to see who it was. 

Vincent knew his voice by heart. 

Besides, nobody else would be able to discover the place. 

“It’s great. Father calls every night. He insisted upon visiting me which I scarcely managed to convince him not to.” 

Vincent put down his book on his lap the page facing down, though it was opened so that he could get back to it later. 

Herman laughed. So he heard that Vincent was overprotected. It was understandable as this young boy radiated innocence and youth. 

“You’d better finish that letter then.” 

Vincent wrote to his parents at least every two weeks, though Herman was aware Vincent missed this week which would make it three weeks without a letter. 

“I really should. It’s simply that I have too much to tell.”

Vincent wanted to talk all about the classes he took, the friends he met and most of all, of Herman Rosier. Vincent did his best to keep his tone casual, for his parents worried he might get pulled into the elitist business if he kept his guards low. 

“You really mustn't worry, mother. Herman has been anything but helpful and we don’t talk of families.” Vincent had written on the letter. 

Vincent began trailing on as to when to send off the letter. “Before class or after class.. “ He was wondering, when a voice sounded next to him. 

“What have you got there?” 
Herman was leaning towards Vincent.

A cool woody scent wafted towards Vincent. It was familiar, for Herman seemed to use only one.. perfume? Vincent wasn’t sure if it was perfume or hair product. Or anything else for that matter. 

Herman laughed a bit at Vincent’s surprised face. 

“You were daydreaming again, weren’t you Vincent?”

“..not exactly?” Vincent squinted a bit. 

“Well then, what were you thinking of? You seemed entirely oblivious to my voice earlier.” 
Herman gave Vincent a loose smile.

“I was thinking of the right time to send my letter. Before class or after class.” 

Vincent suddenly felt shy. Herman seemed to be closer than usual. 

Herman and VincentHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin