Chapter two The party

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After a long boring day at school i drive home. Its just me and Caleb that live here. My parents died when i was just a baby. My aunt and uncle took us in and raised us but they werent happy about it. They used to beat me over every little mistake i made. When i turned sixteen me and caleb fled.
Christina is the only one that knows about it and i never told her the whole story. She helped me though. She went job hunting with me and now i work at marshals as a sales clerk after school and i work at beef o' bradys on Saturday and Sunday in the morning.
When i get home i go straight to my room to change into sweats since i wasnt needed at work today. Just as i was getting into my big t-shirt i get a text from Christina.
T- what?
C- we are going to party our asses off tonight!
T- your weird! What are you talking about
C- you dont have to work and there is this amazing party going on tonight so we are going i will be over in 5
T- whos party is it?
C- you dont want to know
T- the hell i dont whos is it?
C- its 4's party 😶
T- have fun cause im not going
C- y?
T- im not going to my arch nemesis's party chris
C- i may be weird but your a drama queen and your going
T- he wont want to see me in his house
C- there are going to be so many people he wont even see you. Come on!!!
T- uggghhh fine but you owe me!
C- YAAAAAYYYY! Were gonna partaaay. Im outside unlock the door
With that i go downstairs to let her in. When i get to the door she is holding a duffle bag and a big makeup kit with wheels. "Why do you have so much stuff?" "Cause im gonna make you look fabulous!" She squeals and i let out a loud exasperated groan. "Shut up you will thank me later she says leading me upstairs.
When we get up there she rips my hair out if the messy bun its in and rips a brush through my hair. "You have such pretty hair its such a shame its always in a bun." She puts loose curls in my hair and adds a little more than my normal makeup but not too much. She uses this mascara that makes my big eyes look even bigger. She does a smokey eye effect the same way she has hers and throws clothes at me and tells me to get dressed. She gives me a crop top and shorts with combat boots. "I am not wearing this" i say looking dead serious in her eyes. "Oh yes you are" she retorts. I give in knowing there is no way i can win an argument with her.
"Alright lets gooo!" She says and i head off to see what awaits me. Please let me not regret this in the morning.

A/N Hey yall makayla here! I just wanted to thank the amazing radicalshailene. Without her i would never have done more with this story and none of you people would have seen it so thanks (if you havent read her story LTS its amazing). Thanks for reading. Luv yall! 😘😍

Trust is earned.   (Dedicated to radicalshailene)Where stories live. Discover now