She easily reciprocated the smile, "I definitely am."

But my excitement slightly dwindled when an important question came to mind.

"—Wait, do we have to wear white?" I questioned remembering that they basically own the color and wear it at almost all of their events.

"We don't have to if we don't want to, what's your favorite color?" She asked.

"Emerald." I said, recalling my love for the color.

"I'll have us something made by tonight." She reassured and I felt a smile growing on my lips.

"Then... I guess I'll see you tonight?" I questioned.

"Tonight." she repeated as I got up from the couch.

I planted a quick kiss on her cheek before heading down to start my day, trying to suppress the excitement that tonight might bring.

I touched up my makeup for what seemed like the thousandth time tonight, feeling like it wasn't good enough.

I was practically finished with my look. I had on a sparkly emerald, off the shoulder dress which perfectly hugged my body and spilled off my legs, showing up my toned thigh with the slit on the side, topped with the rose gold necklace Nova got for me.

My curly hair was up in a high bun with a few strands framing my face. Everything was decent so far— except for my makeup.

And I felt a hint of frustration coat my body when I saw Nova walking in the bathroom through the mirror.

I used this time to take a look at Nova's outfit, since we were matching she had on an emerald green suit, wearing a white button up under her green blazer, topping the look with a gold necklace and watch.

"I like this..." she said with her eyes roaming my body, and upon seeing my irritated expression through the mirror, she spoke, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I forced out, trying to convince myself that my makeup wasn't a big deal.

"You're obviously upset, what's going on?" She questioned once more disregarding my previous response.

A defeated sigh left my lips as I gave in, "My makeup isn't how I want it." I said, and somehow saying it out loud made me feel silly for even worrying about it.

Nova wrapped her arms around my waist. "I think it looks good, how long have you spent on it?" she asked, pulling me into her.

"Like thirty minutes by now." I said, trying to ignore the fact that I was feeling hotter by the second.

"I like it," she stared at me through the mirror, "You look beautiful." and when the words left her mouth I found a blush creeping on my cheeks and when she planted small kisses on my neck, my blush only seemed to deepen.

"Nova— we have to be in the city in forty five minutes." I breathed out, leaning over and gripping the counter.

"I'm not sure what that means." She murmured. And a small whimper fell from my lips when she sucked down on a certain spot on my neck.

"It means we're going to be late, if we don't leave soon." I forced out, trying to keep my composure.

"I only need a few." she said, slightly tugging my dress up.

And no longer being able to ignore the heat coating my body, I responded, "Only a few." I breathed out.

Upon hearing my confirmation Nova grabbed my neck allowing me to lean back and close the gap between us.

The kiss was gentle and slow, even though we were on a time crunch.

I moaned into her mouth when she let go of my neck, slowly dragging her hand past my collar bone, breasts, down my stomach and finally to where I needed her most.

I broke away from the kiss, dropping my head down when she began slowly rubbing my covered clit.

But she almost immediately tilted my head back up.

"Keep your eyes on me." she said, keeping her low gaze pinned on me, and I easily grew wetter, leaning further into her touch.

"Please..." I whispered, continuing to hold her deep stare through the mirror. An amusing smirk appeared on her face as she pulled her hand away completely.

She placed her hand on my back, slightly pushing me forward as I leaned further over the counter and shortly after she was guiding my legs further away from each other with her foot.

She slowly trailed her fingers down my back leaving a trail of fire in its path and anticipation was coursing through my veins.

But my breathing seemed to quicken when her fingers trailed closer and closer to where I needed her.

A low hum vibrated in her throat. "You look so good." she whispered, and the raspiness in her voice seemed to put me on edge.

She teasingly slid my panties to the side, purposefully drawing out her movement.

And when she slowly slid inside of me it felt like I was losing my mind.

Nova held my stare in the mirror as she continuously slid in and out of me, causing a string of moans to leave my mouth.

I unconsciously arched into her as she subtly sped up her pace. "Nova—" I breathed out.

"Hm?" she hummed, quickening her speed and my grip easily tightened on the sink.

"More, please." I forced out, trying to keep my eyes open.

A small smirk grew on her lips and shortly after a second finger was in me. Each one of her strokes grew deeper than the last and I was completely on edge.

Her free hand trailed up to my throat, slowly gripping it, she curled into me and I felt my legs start trembling as I forced my stare to remain on her.

"Nova," I moaned out, knowing I was close.

"You got it."

And that alone made everything in me unravel at a shocking speed, I arched further into her as my orgasm washed over me.

As soon as the intense feeling faded away she slowly slid out of me, and I leaned over the counter trying to catch my breath.

I remained leaned over as Nova began rubbing up and down my back. "You want me to help you get cleaned up?" she questioned.

A slight hum left my lips in response. Even though i was coming down from my high, I still couldn't believe I gave in.

We were going to be so late.

The Waitress (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now