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I stood in the spacious kitchen with Noah as he tried the multitude of food items for the event.

"Oh yeah, this one is good." He mumbled while pointing to the third steak I had lined on the counter.

"It doesn't need anything?" I asked once more.

He's been taste testing some test dishes, telling me which one he likes the best. After trying macaroons, fries, and now steak I was waiting for his opinion on it.

"Mhm," He hummed, cutting another piece of the meat.

"Mhm what? What else does it need?" I asked furrowing my brows.

He shook his head no before responding, "Nothing, this might be the best steak I ever had for real," He said, taking another bite.

I exhaled in relief, opening my phone and saving the instructions I made for the third steak.

"I honestly don't even know why you're stressing, Nova wouldn't even care if the food was trash," He mumbled, shrugging his shoulders.

I pulled out a stool next to Noah, "Who all is going to be at the event?" I asked.

"Family, extended family, mafias, friends, uhhh–"

"And that's why I'm stressing, that's like 3 million people." I deadpanned.

"No, it's only like 100... minimum," He trailed off and with that I put my head down on the counter.

"This is going to go so bad." I groaned.

"No it's not, all you do is cook a bunch of food, if somebody says it's bad, me and Nova will just shoot them, plain and simple." He said, and I chuckled at his antics.

"You're laughing but it wasn't a joke," he added.

I lifted my head and stared at him for a few seconds, "I hope you're joking."

"Im definitely not–"

I rose from the stool. "Alright team! Let's make some more food." I cut him off enthusiastically, not wanting to hear his future plans.

I started walking toward the stove tying my apron before I heard someone speak.

"It smells amazing in here," The familiar voice said. I turned around to see who it was and my eyes immediately landed on Nova's mom.

"Yeah, I would hope it smelled good, I mean you guys did hire a chef," Noah said jokingly.

"Not too much now." Nora said, walking deeper into the kitchen.

"Good morning," I said as she approached me.

"Good morning, is it okay if I talk with you for a bit?" She asked and I felt my heart drop to the floor.

Was I going to get fired?

Does she know about Nova and I? Is that what this is all about?

"Earth to Mariah." Noah said from a distance, noticing my anxiousness.

"Oh– yeah sure..." I whispered, trailing off.

I was scared out of my mind.

"Come, let's take a little tour, I'm sure there are places you haven't seen here before." She said turning on her heel, walking out the kitchen.

I untied my apron and draped it across the counter, following behind her.

"Ooooo, Mariahs in trouble." Noah called out from behind me.

I caught up to Nora, as we walked across the marble floors in silence.

We walked toward the front entrance. "How are you enjoying everything so far?" She questioned.

The Waitress (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now