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It was 5:00 am the next day and Mr. Zho had me seated in a dimly lit booth at the restaurant.

"Mariah, I absolutely, need, need, need everything to go perfect today, the amount of money they're offering, could be enough to keep us afloat." Mr. Zho said moving his hands with the 'needs'

"Was the money we made yesterday not enough? And you didn't even tell me how much they were offering, I'm the one going to the meeting, why am I the last one to find out?" I retorted furrowing my brows.

After everyone left the restaurant yesterday it was a fairly normal business day, a few people came in here and there. But I couldn't wait for that clock to hit 8:30, I was extremely exhausted and so was everyone else.

Ethan, Camilla, and I washed around 60 plates yesterday, and that was just plates alone. I think we washed around 400 dishes if you include cups, bowls, and utensils, and on top of that we still had to serve the people who came in after the event was over. After all of that I got home at 9:25 had and to wake up at 4:00 just to be here now.

"No, yesterday's money wasn't enough, how could it be enough when we could have more? And what do you mean I'm giving you their address right now, that's enough information." He questioned, narrowing his eyes.

"How could an address be enough information when I could know more?" I challenged flipping his previous question back onto him.

He shook his head and ran his hands through his hair, pushing it back, "Mariah, Mariah, Mariah, Okay how about this," He sighed "The Casper's sent you a private car to pick you up from here, they'll tell you everything when you get to wherever it is your going, if you have any questions then... don't ask me, cause I don't know, all I know is the amount that was offered for the wonderful skills you have." He said grabbing and shaking my hand with both of his while smiling.

"I'm going to be pissed if I get murdered, you know that flickering light in the back, once I die I'm going to haunt it and yell curse words at you in morse code." I said, grabbing my belongings from the cushioned booth seat and walking toward the entrance.

"Wow look at the time, the driver that they sent should be here." Mr. Zho said lightly pushing me out the double doors. "Make me a lot Mariah!" He said, closing the doors behind him.

I stepped out onto the sidewalk and immediately spotted the car. The black SUV with tinted windows was hard to miss, especially with the muscular guy holding the backseat door open for me.

"Ms. Breaux." The deep voice said while nodding. I stepped into the dark car and sat down. Shortly after, the door closed behind me, trapping the darkness in the car. I really need a coffee right about now... and a nap.

I propped my head up against the tinted car window as we began moving. I took one last glance outside the nearly black window and closed my eyes.

I instantly woke up when the light from the open door bled into the car. How long did it take to get here? It was dark outside when we left.

"Ms. Breaux, we have arrived." The deep voice from earlier stated. He offered his hand to help me out of the car but I politely declined and hopped out. Once my eyes adjusted to the outside light I couldn't believe what I was witnessing right now.

Right in front of me was the hugest house... or mansion, I've ever seen. I walked further away from the car on the brick driveway and scanned the environment. The expansive front yard seemed to have gone on further than I could see with visible patterns in the grass. There were well manicured hedges lining the driveway of the already opulent entrance with colorful flowers placed strategically throughout the front.

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