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I quickly looked around the room for the door, and when I spotted it I speedily walked toward it.

I couldn't be in her room right now.

I twisted the doorknob and slowly opened it. I didn't know who would be on this floor. After the door opened I peered out and the floor was...


I was completely speechless, from the massive living area and kitchen, to the beautifully decorated floor, it was apparent that this was Nova's floor. It had to be.

I creeped towards the elevator trying to make as little noise as possible until I heard a slightly familiar voice.

"Are you okay?" Nova asked, her voice raspy and low.

I glanced over to where her voice was coming from. She was sitting up from the couch she was on, her hair was messy and her eyes were low.

She was wearing the same outfit she had on earlier today, except this time she had on a black tank top instead of a compression shirt.

My mouth watered looking at her toned arms and tired appearance.

"I- um, yeah...?" I stammered trying to recover from the sight in front of me. "I'm going to go," I said, turning on my heel towards her elevator.


"You don't have to leave or anything– I'll even make you breakfast again," Nova added, getting up from the couch and walking towards me.

"...We can make breakfast...?" She trailed off.

I dramatically hummed, tapping my chin, pretending to think.

"Sure... only if you get rid of those shorts." I said jokingly.

"Aww, I thought you were going to like them now." She replied with a light tone.

"I don't know... I think they're starting to grow on me." I said, glancing down at them.

"Good, cause I got 4 more pairs, all different colors just for you." She added chuckling,
walking in the direction of her kitchen.

"Can't wait to see them." I said, following behind her.

"Soooo... this is your floor?" I asked curiously.

"Mhm." she hummed, opening the cabinet and taking some ingredients out.

"I could definitely see that." I said glancing around the floor, I immediately noticed the sun was shining through the large windows.

"What time is it?" I added turning to face Nova.

"9 or 10, you've been up here a couple of hours,"

"How many hours has your girlfriend been up here?" I asked, feeling a bit of boldness enter my body.

"Who?" Nova asked, looking at me.

"That blonde girl who was on my floor a couple days ago," I explained, sitting on the island behind me.

"Angela?" Nova asked.

"If that's what her name is." I said blankly.

"She's not my girlfriend," She said, giving her full attention to me.

"Obviously she is if you kissed her." I retorted, furrowing my brows, even if it was a few days ago, I couldn't stop replaying the kiss in my head.

I watched as Nova opened her mouth and immediately closed it after, like she was about to say something.

"I don't know how to explain it," She finally said.

"Is there really anything to explain? You kissed her." I spat out.

The Waitress (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now