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I stood on the balcony staring out at the city in the distance.

It's so crazy to think that there are people there, with individual lives, stories, and experiences to tell about, and that each light that's on in the distant buildings, had a reason behind it.

It was almost midnight and I couldn't sleep. Maybe it was my nerves. As the date for the event approached closer and closer, everything was feeling real.

Too real.

I've taken a short break on test dishes, mainly because Noah has been busy for the past two days, which isn't necessarily a problem.

I just wish that I was more productive for the two days.

Doing something other than thinking about Nova...

I wasn't even mad at the situation. It was more or less— coming to a realization that this is her life.

And that I wouldn't be able to change it no matter what.

She's told me multiple times that they killed people, and my reaction was the same each time. But something about witnessing it happen first hand.

Made me rethink my decision.

Because truthfully I don't think I could handle that, and everything that comes with her job title.

Walking out of the alleyway, was me trying to come to terms with the fact that we would never have normal lives together, and that my life would never be the same.

I didn't know what to say to her at the time.

Mostly because I didn't know how to feel.

I was pulled out of my deep thought when a shiver ran down my spine. It was extremely cold out tonight and the blanket I had wrapped around me was not helping.

I wasn't really wearing much under the blanket either. I had on plaid pajama pants, and a black crop top. I wasn't planning on being outside tonight, I just sort of ended up here.

As the cool breeze blew over my exposed skin once more, I took that as a cue to head inside.
Once I entered the warm room I closed the glass balcony door behind me.

The temperature made me so ready to go to sleep. I smiled at the thought of even laying down right now.

I was definitely getting old.

I pulled the weighted cover off of the bed and prepared to lay down, until I heard a knock sound at my door once again. I internally sighed and walked toward the door. Who could possibly be up here at eleven pm?

I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized there was a solid chance that it could be Nova.

Please no.

I contemplated opening the door until I heard another set of knocks.

My mind was clouded as I inched toward the door. When I approached the handle I slowly twisted it hoping that I wasn't about to see Nova.

When the door was fully opened I let out a breath of relief when I noticed Amos.

"Hi." I said as relief washed over me.

"Hi, see you later Ms. Breaux." He said walking away, and confusion immediately entered my mind.

That was so random—

But before I could finish the thought Nova popped out of nowhere replacing where Amos was just standing, "Can we tal–"

I instantly closed the door in her face as I pieced everything together.

The Waitress (GxG)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt