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After dropping the note with all their orders off to Ethan I made my way to the employee bathroom. Once I got in, I locked the door and turned over to the sink.

As I was leaning against the marble sink I was staring into the mirror in front of me. My light brown skin was now a bright red and my curly hair was beginning to get puffy.

I really need to get it together.

I turned the warm water on and washed my hands. But I couldn't get my mind off of that woman. I dried my hands and made my way back to the kitchen, still trying to get her off my mind.

By the time I got back it seemed like a workflow was developed in the kitchen, Ethan, Camilla, and Mr. Zho were pumping out orders in a blink of an eye. Mr. Zho helped me prepare 3 out of the 4 dishes at the table I was responsible for, and put all of the orders on my tray.

"Once you drop that off Ethan needs your help delivering orders, come back when you finish." Mr. Zho said. I nodded and started heading back in the direction of their table, totally not looking down this time.

Once I got there I listed off the first three orders and placed it in front of them. I made sure to place her order on the table last because I needed to ask her what dessert she wanted with it.

"And here you go, I forgot to ask what dessert you wanted with this, I could hand you a menu and come back to you?" I asked, placing her plate down and looking up at her.

"Surprise me." She said, peering into my eyes. The words alone made me want to melt. It was cold out but my body got extremely hot when I was around her.

"Okay." I whispered, stood up straight and walked away from the table. Something was definitely wrong with me. I walked back to the kitchen and noticed a bunch of orders lined next to each other.

"Mariah, I need you to take these to tables 22, 16, and 32 please," Ethan said while stirring the next order he was making in the pan.

"Okay, could you take everything I would need to make tiramisu out for me?" I asked him while placing all three orders on a tray.

"Will do, it will be ready for you when you get back." Ethan said while glancing over to me.

Perks of having 2 co-workers is that you're automatically close with them. On slow days, which is everyday Ethan, Camilla and I do all sorts of things together. Last Friday we had a cup stacking competition, did a murder mystery, which was easy because there's only three of us, and a scavenger hunt with a real egg. That one was Ethan's idea and I don't think he ended up finding it.

Once I got what felt like hundreds of orders out, I circled back around to their table with two desserts of my choice. Which were Tiramisu, and a plain chocolate cake for the incident earlier. When I got back to the circular table I put the chocolate cake in the middle, and placed the Tiramisu in front of her.

"My favorite is Tiramisu, I thought you'd like it." I said while clearing my throat, "The chocolate cake is for earlier, I didn't know who might've wanted it, but if there are any issues please feel free to call me over." I smiled and walked away.

Before I knew it I was bringing out tons of to-go containers and bags, while Mr. Zho and Camilla were handing out bills and Ethan was collecting the money.

When I was delivering containers and bags I heard faint taps on a glass, and looked over. To which I saw the man and the woman standing up. Declaring they would like to make a toast.

"I'm pretty sure you all know why we're gathered here today," The man suddenly spoke. I guess the reason had some power behind it because I heard some whistles and clapping throughout the restaurant.

"Our beloved daughter has made a groundbreaking achievement and win, for not only the people in here right now, but our branches all over the world," The man continued. What did he mean branches? Did they own a company or something?

"What are you guys doing? Stand with us," the man said, making a come here motion with his hands.

"I say this with an eager and excited heart that I will no longer be operating, instead my daughter, Nova Casper, will be taking my place from now on." He said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Cheering and claps admitted from inside the restaurant, this might be the most noise this place has ever experienced.

Nova Casper. Even her name was pretty.

"From this moment on she'll be the one making all the big calls and tough decisions, although this party is for Damon, stepping down from his role, We will be throwing Nova a party next month, welcoming the change into all of our lives." The woman suddenly spoke up. He must be Damon then. Is this a whole company thing? They're really vague.

Claps and cheers rang throughout the building, and for a split second I thought I saw her eyes on me. I headed back to the kitchen to get more to go containers and bills, trying my best to hand the proper bills to the proper tables.

I continued passing them out as the restaurant started slowly clearing out. I didn't wait every table but so far I have gotten at least $400 in tips. Once there were only a few families and people left in the restaurant I went back to the front desk to sit down and take a moment. That was the most intense 2 hours of my life.

I needed to go home and sleep. I began dozing off before I heard Mr. Zho call my name.
"Mariah hey! Our guests would like a word with you." Mr. Zho stated enthusiastically, I think this is the most excited I have seen him in a while, besides all the business we had today. My thoughts were abruptly cut off when the couple spoke.

"Hi nice to meet you im Nora Casper," the woman spoke with a smile and her hand out
"Damon, but you probably already know that," The well dressed man spoken. I didn't see Nova or the other guy, maybe they left already?

"Nice to meet you both," I said with a smile, shaking both of their hands.

"We were really impressed with everything here today, I especially loved the food," the woman trailed off, she was dressed in a black Versace dress with jewelry around her neck and wrists.

I was so busy I didn't even notice her outfit. But I especially noticed the large diamond sitting on her finger. What did these people do for a living.

"We wanted to know if you were available to cater and cook for our event that's coming up," She questioned looking at me. I honestly didn't process what she had said until after Mr. Zho cleared his throat.

"Oh, Oh wow, yes I would love to, there's just a few specifics and details i would need, but yes I would love to" I started rambling uncontrollably.

"Amazing, thank you, we left all the details with Mr. Zho, If you're able to meet us at our estate to discuss everything tomorrow that would be lovely." She declared.

"Thank you guys for everything once again," the man spoke up and pulled out a wallet. He set 1200 on the table and before I could think he said, "300 for everyone, we will be returning if all goes well with her, see you." He said and they both left the restaurant.

Everybody was in pure shock and didn't know what to say.

"How much did you get in tips?" Camilla said to Ethan while counting her money.
"Uhh, 600 something I don't know" He said while spinning around in the office chair we had.
"What about you?" He repeated her question.

"584, How much did you get Mariah?" she asked, looking at me.

" 809." I said with my thick stack of cash in front of me.

Ethan stopped spinning in the office chair and Camilla had stopped recounting the money. "809?!" They both said in sync.

The Waitress (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now