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Once I made it back into the estate I walked back into the kitchen to find a bored looking Noah.

When he noticed me a smile slowly erupted on his face.

"So you get fired?" He asked teasingly.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "No..." I trailed off.

"So what did she want?" he questioned as I began to put my apron back on.

"Stuff." I said in secrecy.

"Mariah..." He sighed, "it's okay to say it was about Nova. Are you ready to finally confess your love?"

And I halted all of my actions quickly recovering to hide the fact that Noah had figured me out.

"You're going to tell Nova you like her huh?" He questioned narrowing his eyes.

And I felt entirely defeated knowing that those were my intentions.

"I mean– yeah... just not right now." I trailed off, averting my attention to the stove hoping to hide the growing blush on my cheeks.

"Why not right now? I could take you to her right now." He said with emphasis.

I mean, could it wait?

"Where is she?" I asked, internally deciding if it was worth it.

"In the city with our dad, let's just go," He said, rising from the stool.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I could wait until she gets back..." I trailed off. I mean was it that dire where we had to go find her and her dad?

"Nope! Road trip!" He said, skipping toward me.
He grabbed my hand and led me out the kitchen.

"Love prevails!" he called out while leading me out the front door.

This seemed like such a bad idea.

"Is this actually the place?" I asked in confusion, staring out the tinted window.

Noah and I were currently at a huge, super crowded, fancy restaurant, waiting for Nova across the street in the parking lot.

"Yup, I've been here a few times, it's gigantic." Noah said, nodding his head.

"Time to start the stake out, now we wait." He added putting his feet up on the steering wheel.

"You know how long they'll be in there?" I asked, averting my attention back to the packed restaurant.

"Don't know, all I know is they're discussing business, that could range from 5 minutes to 20 million hours." He said as I heard a crinkling sound fill the car.

I turned my head toward Noah who had opened a party sized bag of chips.

"Seriously?" I asked, squinting my eyes at him.

"Like I said, 5 minutes to 20 million hours." he reiterated, pointing a chip at me.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the restaurant.

I hope they were coming out soon.

I scrolled through my socials as I continuously glanced up to the building. Noah was 100% right, cause it had been over 30 minutes now and they were there before we were.

What could they possibly be discussing in there where it takes that long.

I tore my gaze away from the building when I heard Noah speak, "So are you guys gonna date after this or what?"

The Waitress (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now