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                                  NOVAS POV

Mariah just kissed me.

We just kissed.

And that was the only thing racing in my mind for the past 10 minutes. Like some mantra.

I glanced over at Mariah whose head was leaned up against the window of the car as she slept. I couldn't wrap my mind around how beautiful she was when she was sleeping.

Never in a million years would I have believed that this is what my thoughts would consist of.

And one of the reasons for that, is because I never thought I'd feel this way about anybody.

Especially after what happened to Donovan.

I had closed myself off from any and everything.

But when I was around Mariah, I didn't want to do that anymore.

There's been a lot of women who wanted romantic advances with me beyond sex, including Angela.

All of which were met with the same answer, the same response, and the same reaction, because I knew I'd never change my mind.

I mean, my job— my position was on the line. I couldn't risk finding out what my dad would do after finding out I did something  like following in Donovan's footsteps.

Especially when I was there to witness what happened first hand.

I had to prove to my dad that I was better than that.

Yet here I am.

Here I am thinking about how peaceful she looks while sleeping, or how her curly hair frames her face when it's down, or how I want to know all about her days at work, her interests, her hobbies, what makes her smile.

Because I truthfully never felt like this before.

And when I was with Mariah I wanted to feel it all.

I knew the consequences of this would catch up with me later, and I quite frankly wasn't ready.

But I was willing to risk it all for her.

After about half an hour we made it back to the estate and Mariah was still asleep.

I took one last glance at her before I got out of the car. Once I made it around, I opened the passenger door and Mariah was still asleep.

I lightly shook her arm waiting for a response, and I was instantly taken back to the night I was in her apartment.

I was pulled out of the memory when Mariah hummed, "Hm?"

"We're at the estate, you have to get out, unless you wanted to sleep in the car," I explained, glancing down at her.

"Mhm that's fine." She hummed, keeping her eyes closed. I stared down at her completely silent, I didn't really know what to say to that.

"Can you just carry me up again please?" Mariah whispered, and it made me think about how I could get used to this.

Used to her.

With that I took a moment before replying.


                           MARIAH'S POV

As soon as I woke up my mind instantly traveled to last night.


How did I get in my room?

I have no recollection of anything after we got in the car. The only thing I could remember was...

And the thought alone made my body hot.

Nova must have brought me up...

I laid back on my pillow and put my hands over my face. Gosh what did I do? And more importantly–

What did this mean?

Nova is literally a mafia boss for crying out loud, what was I thinking?

It's not like we could be together anyways, I mean how would that even work?

She goes out everyday, handling mafia business, killing people. I stay at some gigantic house, waiting for her to come home after I made a 12 course meal, and once she comes home after a long day of population control, she eats it, we kiss, and live happily ever after?

This was never meant to work out from the start– I know it.

She knows it too.

And the thought alone made my chest ache.

Because part of me wanted Nova.

All of me wanted Nova.

And I don't know how long I could push these feelings away.

I wanted her.

I wanted to be with her.

But I was conflicted.

I know nothing about this– or what I was getting myself into and I didnt want to get hurt.

I haven't even had my first kiss up until last night, I don't know anything about a relationship.

Especially with a soon to be mafia boss.

I was completely torn on my feelings, and there wasn't really anybody I could talk to about this who have gone through what I'm going through right now.

How many people do you know wanted a relationship with somebody who was going to be the leader of a world wide mafia in a little over 2 weeks?


The event is in 2 weeks.

On top of everything, I still had a job to do. That was the reason I was even here right now.

Maybe I'm just overthinking everything.

I have to be.

I have to talk to Ethan and Camilla about this.

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