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As I entered the elevator I put my ring into the slot engraved into the fourth button cover just as I saw earlier. As the fourth button revealed itself I pressed it and the elevator began moving up.

The elevator dinged open and I looked around the floor that I was supposedly staying on. The first thing I noticed was the huge open circular area as soon as I got off the elevator. There's a circular couch, tvs, arcade games, and a view of the front of the estate.

As I walked closer I saw a fireplace and plants scattered throughout the living area.

Do the workers lounge here on their free time?*
I walked away from the living area down the hall which was filled with a bunch of doors. It seemed like there were more workers than doors. Maybe some of them went home.

As I made my way to the room I noticed the guy from earlier standing in front of my door with a box in his hands.

"I assume everything went well Ms. Breaux?" he asked me.

"I...I'm not too sure, is Nova always like that?" I asked him hesitantly.

"Please allow Ms. Casper time to open up to you, she'll be a delight." He nodded and shot me a small smile.

"Here's a little welcome gift with some necessities in it, feel free to go through it when you arrive in your room, if you have any questions regarding the estate please contact me or anyone else, enjoy your stay Ms. Breaux." The man said as he handed me the box and walked down the hall toward the elevator.

I turned to face the door and began to twist the doorknob, and to my surprise it didn't open. I should of tried the ring key thing first. This place is so weird.
I put the ring to the door knob until I heard a faint click. I opened the door and glanced around the massive room. This room alone might be bigger than my whole apartment.

This room was amazing, it had gray floors, huge windows which showed you a view of the estate just like the living room, and most importantly a bed.

I set the box down on the shelf next to the front door and ran over to the bed. It had nicely tucked white sheets and thick fluffy pillows lined on the head board.

I jumped on the bed and it felt like I could instantly fall asleep, I was so exhausted I never wanted to leave this thing.

"Just 30 minutes since it's still morning" I said out loud with my face buried in the bed and my eyes suddenly became heavy.

"30 minutes Mariah" I repeated.

This was going to be the longest 25 days of my life.

Later that day I was driven back to my apartment to retrieve all my belongings that I would need, before being taken back to the estate, and I still couldn't get over how huge it really was. I didn't think more could appear after leaving and coming back but oh I was wrong.

My first meeting is today and I'm supposed to be meeting up with some other event planners to discuss how everything's going to turn out. It was only 7:20 so I had some time to pick my outfit for the day.

I put on some tan high waisted dress pants with a plain black shirt tucked into it. My curly hair was down and I had minimal makeup on. The outfit itself was pretty basic, I didn't know if I was supposed to wear suits 24/7 like everyone else was.

I pulled out my phone and checked the time,


I still had some time to spare. I opened my bedroom door and to my surprise, the older gentleman from yesterday was there.

The Waitress (GxG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora