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I made my way out of my room and on the way to the elevator I noticed a few of the workers hanging out in the living area. For a second there I started assuming they were robots.

I went down to the first floor to the dining hall which was seemingly empty once again. I didn't want to order something too complicated because I was ready to go back to bed again.

I walked up to the chef from earlier and ordered some fettuccine and walked back to the table I was sitting at this morning.

This place was honestly so weird. No way this is just a regular company, but I honestly didn't have any clue on what else it could be.

Who really were the Casper's, and more importantly who was Nova?

Even though I met Nova a couple of days ago I couldn't help but think about her often, especially with the secrecy that surrounds her. Was she hiding something?

Shortly after the food I ordered was delivered to my table I began eating the scorching hot fettuccine. I was okay the first two bites because I was that hungry, but I then realized that there was no way around this and I had to let it cool down.

I was scrolling on my phone waiting for it to cool down until I noticed one of the suited workers walking up to me.

That guy definitely wasn't a chef and he sure as hell didn't work in the kitchen.

He was a pretty muscular guy with a bunch of tattoos around his body, it seems like that's a common theme around here.

I was confused as to why he was coming up to me especially since Nova had the hall "cleared out" for no apparent reason.

I focused back on my phone and quickly looked back up when a deep voice spoke, "Wow this looks amazing, what do you have here?" He asked me.

"I- um Fettuccine...?" My reply came out more of a question, mostly because I was so confused, has he never seen Fettuccine before? Oh my god, what if they live underground and eat rocks or something.

"Fettuccine, wow it looks good," he said, licking his lips. At this point alarms were going off in my head but I didn't know how to respond to this situation.

"You also look really good, you're the new girl they hired huh?" He questioned while leaning on the table, leaving us face to face.

"I uh-" My sentence was quickly cut off when I noticed a familiar person walking in behind him.

"Is there a reason you should be speaking to her right now?" Nova asked the guy, and suddenly a wave of relief washed over me.

"I- No, there's n-no reason, boss." The guy mumbled leaning up from the table to be face to face with Nova.

"Is there a reason that you should even be in the dining hall right now?" She asked, her face completely expressionless, and her voice was low. But I could hear the anger that lingered in her words.

"No, Boss there isn't," He replied once again, I looked back at Nova and I saw her Jaw visibly tense.

"So Frances tell me this-" Nova said, suddenly stepping closer to the guy and looking up.

"-When I specifically gave out the orders to not go in the dining hall today, did you feel like that exempted you?" She asked lowly.

"No I didn't boss," he quickly added, looking down at her. I don't think I've ever heard or seen Nova this angry, then again I haven't really seen her do much, it's like she unlocked a new emotion.

"Then why are you in here flirting with her?" she asked him, and I noticed that her eyes never left his, not even for a second.

"I wasn't I swear-" he quickly waved his hands.
It felt like the breath got sucked out of my lungs when her eyes darted to me.

"Was he flirting with you-" Nova began asking me before the man cut her off, "I really wasn-" But before he could finish his sentence, Nova turned around and threw a punch to the man's jaw.

"Don't you ever cut me off," Nova said pointing at the man who was now leaning down holding the side of his face.

"Was he flirting with you?" She looked back to me repeating her previous question.

"I, uh, think so?" I trailed off looking away from her. I didn't know what he was doing, I wouldn't call that flirting, if it was, it was really bad.

"Look at me Mariah, It's a yes or no." She said, looking down at me. My cheeks flushed a bright red, I loved the way my name sounded coming out her mouth, I wish I could hear her repeat it forever.


Her eyes slowly left mine and went back to the guy holding his face, a bunch of workers were peering into the dining hall now, I didn't mean to cause a scene.

"Meet me outside Frances." She added walking out of the dining hall with her hands behind her back, and he trailed behind.

It seemed like everyone who worked on the estate saw this whole thing go down, and I was left completely shocked and flustered with cold Fettuccine.

As I was heading back up to my room I saw Amos in front of my door. I questioningly approached him and he nodded his head, "After the ordeal between Nova and a previous worker, he will be returning to this floor to receive his belongings, Nova requested you move up to the 6th floor temporarily, to avoid any extra conflict between you and Frances," He informed me. Previous worker? Did she fire him over me?

"Is everything okay Ms. Breaux?" He tilted his head.

"Yes everything is fine Amos thank you for informing me" I told the older man and went into my room.

I packed all my things up, which was only like 2 outfits and my skin care things, because I wasn't even done unpacking. I went to open my door and I was greeted by Amos once again. He grabbed my belongings and walked them down the hall.

"I can carry those, it's really fine-" I suggested watching him carry the bags.

"I got it Ms. Breaux, thank you."

Once we approached the elevator he pressed the button and it dinged. I stepped in and looked at the elevator panel and floor 6 was locked. Amos pulled out a different ring from his pocket, which appeared to be diamond encrusted, by the way the ring shined from the elevator light, and put it into the slot. What is this place?

He then pressed the button and the elevator began moving up. Once we reached the floor the doors opened and, wow.

The 6th level was completely open besides the occasional doors, it reminded me of a luxury high rise apartment, there were paintings scattered around, a kitchen, a small living room, a balcony, and three doors which I assume were rooms of some sort. She really had me staying up here?
"Does Nova stay up here?" I asked Amos while looking around the massive level.

"Nova does not stay up here unfortunately, this level is usually reserved, I guess you're a special exception." Amos said with a smile. He then set my bags down and began heading back to the elevator.

"Nova is taking care of business currently but she should be heading to this level when she's done with everything." He informed me as he was in the elevator.

As the doors dinged shut I was standing there dumbfounded.

I have to figure out what this place is, and fast.

The Waitress (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now