"Jordi..." the receptionist said incredibly slowly as she scrolled through her computer screen.
"Ah, here we go. Jordi Putellas. He's in room 5 which is down the hall and on the left" She said as she gestured down the hallway to her right.

"Thank you" Ale breathed out a momentary sigh of relief before heading off in that direction and I quickly followed behind her.

Seeing Jordi laying on the hospital bed made him seem tiny again. He had a bandage wrapped around his head and faint blood stains on his skin. Eli was sat next to him, stroking his back as he sucked on the ear of his lion teddy.

"Hi baby" Ale said quietly as we entered the room, heading straight to the side of his bed and placing a kiss on his flushed cheek.

"Hola my little love, mama and mami are here now. We are so sorry we took so long" I joined Ale by the side of his bed, perching on the edge of the mattress.

Jordi immediately started to become unsettled, sitting up slightly and whinging as he reached out for Ale to take him into her arms, which she did almost instantly. Scooping him up and holding him close to her chest as he rested his head on her shoulder.

"What happened Mama?" Ale asked Eli quietly as she slowly rocked Jordi side to side.

"I left him in the living room for two seconds to go and get his shoes and when I came back he was on the floor with blood on his head. I think he pulled himself up on the sofa and lost his balance, b-but I don't know"

"Why did you leave him?" I asked quietly, stoking the back of Jordi's head as I looked over at her.

"Like it said, I went to get his shoes. We were getting ready to go to the park"

"You know that he's starting to walk... you can't leave him on his own"

"Isy" Ale said, turning toward me slightly and using her free hand to reach for mine in an attempt to calm me down.

"No Ale. Our little boy is in the hospital. He cut his head open because she left him on his own"

"It was only for a second-"

"Look at him! He's only a baby and he's probably going to have a scar on his face for the rest of his life now" I snapped, the fear I was feeling had now turned to anger.

"Isy stop. That's enough" Ale said more firmly this time, stepping between Eli and I with Jordi still in her arms.
"You don't get to talk to her like that, it was a mistake... accidents happen...Jordi is fine"

"I'll go" Eli mumbled once her daughter had finished talking, walking past us both and heading toward the door, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Mamá, you don't need to go" Ale brushed past me and towards Eli.

"I'm really sorry. I'll see soon JJ, I love you so much" she quickly kissed his cheek before leaving the room.

Once Eli had left the room Ale immediately turned towards me with anger written all over her face. She walked over to bed and laid Jordi down, kissing his head before turning her attention onto me.

"What the hell was that Isy?!" She huffed, stepping towards me.
"You know how clumsy he is, he's always falling over at home. It would have happened whether she was in the room or not and now you've just made her feel even worse about it!"

"Look at him Ale!" I pointed to our son.

"He's a kid, kids bump their heads and hurt themselves all the time. Mamá said I was always in and out of hospital getting stitches when I was younger"

"He's not a kid, he's our baby" I said softly.

"I know he is, but he's going to be fine. He's not going anywhere"

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