Chapter 25 Mine

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Mark and I decided to walk around the pack house after dinner. He grabs my hand making my heart do a little flutter. Looking at our entwined hands, I can't help the massive smile on my face. When I look up at Mark, he has the same expression.

"Tell me more about your childhood", he whispers sliding his nose along my jawline, pulling back a little to look at me with his puppy dog eyes. My breath catches and he smirks at me, knowing the effect he has on me.

"Over a year ago I started to train four boys after I witnessed one of them being bullied at school. Samuel is his name. He was very tall and slim and looked like he needed a good feed, I think that was why he got picked on all the time."

"On the first day, there were four boys, the next time they turned up there were three girls with them, and slowly every time we trained more and more teenagers came who wanted to learn."

"In the end, I talked to our Alpha about the teenagers being trained to defend themselves. He liked that idea and implemented training for teenagers who are 14 years and older. We were about to start training the under-14-year-olds when went on our tiki tour."

"Some of the warriors' kids wanted to train, you can see how proud they are of their kids. I know Dad was very proud of me for starting the training program."

"We started the training sessions four times a week with the help of some Warriors. From that day onward Samuel never got picked on."

"Wow that is incredible!" Mark beamed at me with pride, his eyes melting while looking at me. My heart was racing from his comment, I forgot to breath again for a while.

"We should do that with our teenagers". "Everyone should be able to defend themselves."

"The transformation off all the kids after a year was amazing." I reminisce, thinking about how fit and confident they were.

"After one year of training, Samuel looked like a completely different kid, some of the girls were swooning over him."

"Did you swoon over him?" I could hear the jealousy in his voice, thinking I would be attracted to someone else.

"Goddess no... I didn't think of any guys like that, I was only interested in training and never thought of boys. I know some had a crush on me, but I was not interested in anyone but my mate." Shit, I wish I had never mentioned that.

"Good" I chuckle at his response.

"Dad was so impressed with him and some of the other kids that they started to train as warriors to defend the pack. That was one of the proudest things I have ever done, to help turn someone's life around for the better."

"What did you mean, you knew some of them had a crush on you?" he rubbed his nose against my jawline again, trying to control his jealousy, and failing big time.
I was trying not to laugh. "You still have not answered my question?" he grumbled, huffing.

I smile at him, standing on my tippy-toes, lightly kissing his lips. "I'm all yours babe, chill, they may look, but can never touch."

"Damn right!" he hugs me while lifting me by my waist making me instantly wrap my legs around his waist, and he plants his lips on mine with a deep passionate kiss I have not felt from him before.

"Mine" he growls

"Yours" I chuckle

"Are you going to answer my question?" he is getting impatient, and gently puts me down, once I am stable on my feet he lets me go and grabs my hand again.

I sighed, resigned to the fact that I had to tell him now, I hugged him, snuggling into his hard chest, hiding my face. Sparks are going all through my body.

"Every month there is a pack BBQ and run, for the new shifters." I let out a deep sigh before I carried on. "All the unmated teenage male wolves came up to me, to wish me happy birthday. Some  even dared to inhale my scent, to see if I am their mate." I shudder thinking about it. "I was mortified. It was so embarrassing. My best friends thought it was hilarious."

He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest and holding me tight.  I was not expecting him to laugh his ass off, throwing his head back, and cackling like a hyena at my discomfort.

His laugh is like music. It is very magical and breathtaking at the same time. I am inspired to make him laugh a thousand times more.

I try to pull away, but he holds me tighter, laughing, while I huff at him getting frustrated. "Sorry babe" he smiles at me.

"What about you, did you fancy any  girls around here?" I can't help the stab to my chest thinking that he might be.

"No, some did try and flirt with me. But I was only interested in finding my mate as well. I want what my parents have. The love and devotion of your other half."

"Good", he chuckles at me when I say that.

"Now who is getting jealous?"

"What did you do growing up?" I want to know more about his childhood and to change the subject.

"Whenever I wasn't with my friends or training, I was in the kitchen with my mum, she is a fantastic cook. I realized at a young age that I like to cook and want to be able to cook for my Mate and pups one day like my Mum, she taught me everything that she knows,"

His voice sent delicious shivers running up and down my spine. OMG, I hold onto him tighter to stabilize myself, the pit of my stomach gets butterflies in it and my legs start to get a bit weak in the knees when he mentioned cooking for his mate and pups. That is so sexy, I nod at him because I don't trust my words to come out right if I talk. "I can't wait to try your cooking soon" I smirk at him.

"Wait until you try my pudding, you will be full for a week." he winks at me. OMG, my mind instantly goes into the gutter. I can feel myself get wet between the legs, I have to stop walking and clamp my thighs together.

He smirks at me when he sees what his words have done to my body. "Are you OK babe?" he doesn't even try to hide the amusement in his voice at the state I'm in and raises his eyebrows at me. "Hmm, you smell so yummy when you are turned on." he sniffs the air smirking at me.

OMG, I can't control myself, lucky we are outside walking around the pack territory.
He presses me up against a tree and slams his lips onto mine, I instinctively wrap my hands behind his head to bring his face closer, while pulling his hair. He slides his hands down my back and rests them on my butt before lifting me, I instantly wrap my legs around his waist again.

"Mark...." I breathe out.

"Very soon, but we will wait until you are ready, I won't pressure you into anything."
I smile up at him. "I know you wouldn't," I said, before pulling his lips back down onto mine.

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