Chapter 39- Do You Still Love Me?

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Nidha's POV:

My legs shook as the elevator doors opened, I could feel my heart in my throat. I hurriedly got into the elevator, making sure Vyom wasn't trailing behind. 

My heart slowly settled as the doors closed. 

"What floor?" A familiar voice rang in my ears from the other side of the elevator. 

I turned around meeting eyes with the familiar figure. 

"Akshay..." Memories washed over, late nights at the Gupta mansion enjoying ice cream while watching horror movies and Akshaybhai taking my side when Vyom and I would tiff. 

"Good to see you Nidha, how have you been?" He smiled back at me. 

I didn't know how to answer him. "Fine." I hesitated to ask him about his life when I had been the reason it had collapsed. 

The elevator arrived at the ground floor and I rushed out. "Nidha!" Akshay called behind me. "Come let's have a coffee." He motioned towards the Starbucks on the other side of the building. 

I nervously chewed my lip, unsure of what to think of this sudden proposal. How could he possibly want to sit down with me after what had happened? 

"Come please, I've met you after so long." He brought his hand up to my back and directed me to the coffee shop. 

The waiter brought our order and I sat across from Akshay, nervously stirring my coffee. Whatever he was going to say, he had the right to. In his absence, he had entrusted me to take care of his family and I had failed. 

I dared not to look up from my cup and wait for him to begin talking. 

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. "Look," Sliding the phone my way, a picture catches my vision. It's a cute picture with Akshay, Ginny, and a small baby girl in their lap. "That's my daughter, Arya, she's turning 1 in 2 weeks." His eyes shine bright as he shows off the picture proudly. 

My eyes pool with tears seeing the happy family. 

"Nidha, why did you leave?" He looks up at me, the compassion of an elder brother wandering around him.

I didn't know how to answer him. "How could I stay, you know everything that happened..." 

He reached across the table and grabbed my hand. "Whatever happened that night was up to fate, that baby was meant to be our angel baby. It is a guardian angel to baby Arya now." 

His words feel like a heavy burden on my shoulders has finally lifted. "Thank you..." I whisper trying to refrain myself from crying. 

"You were the glue that held the Gupta mansion together, you brought Vyom home after so many years." He paused to swallow, trying to find the words to convey his feelings. "The house hasn't been the same since you left, you have broken Vyom. He has shut us all out, the office has become his home." 

I thought back to the kind and passionate Vyom I knew, he seemed so different from the one I met now. 

Akshay gets a call and he hurriedly gets up, I nod at him understanding something important must have come up. 

"Nidha.." He calls from over his shoulder. "Ginny misses you too." 

His words play in my head as I leave the building and drive home. 

Vyom's POV:

Maybe I fucked up. Maybe I should have let Nidha go away. Maybe the right thing to do was to send the divorce papers to court when I received them.

But I was never trying to be a good boy. Nidha was my wife and under no circumstances would I ever let her leave me like that. 

My encounter with her replays in my mind as I drive home. 

'Has she truly given up on us? Has our relationship failed?' The questions circulate around me, as my breath catches to the thought of her leaving.

Lost in thought, I parked the car and walked into the lobby. 

"Ow!" I stumbled back as a small voice sounded from under me. 

"What the..." I stopped mid-sentence seeing a tiny human rubbing her forehead under me. 

"You really are an oldie, you can't even see anymore!" Jaira complained. 

An immediate smile broke out on my face seeing the little ball of sunshine. "Sorry kiddo, I didn't see you there." I apologized. 

She rolled her tiny eyeballs at me. "You know, my momsi is a doctor, you should really show her your eyes." She smirked at her own wittiness. 

I couldn't help but smile at her innocence. "Ok, deal." I shook my hand with her and turned to the elevator. But my hand pulled in the opposite direction, and Jaira dragged me to the playroom of the complex. 

"Momsi, look who I brought!" She excitedly pulled me towards Nidha. 

Nidha looked up surprised by her phone. She gave me a tight smile. 

Jaira motioned me to sit next to Nidha and started serving me tea in her playset. I stared at her in confusion, looking at the cup. 

Jaira met my expression with disappointment. I shrugged my shoulders unknowingly. Next to me, I hear a small cough. Nidha's eyes point at the cup and she picks up her 'tea' cup and drinks out of it. I follow her actions and bring the cup to my lips. 

Jaira leaves happily, skipping away to the other toys. 

"Thanks." I nod at Nidha. 

"How did you not know? Haven't you played with Arya?" She looked up at me confused. 

My eyebrows flared in confusion. "Arya?" 

Her eyes turned wide as if in disbelief. "Arya..." She repeated the name. "Your niece..." 

"Oh, I haven't met her yet," I told her the bittersweet truth. I had been too locked away in my dark and lonely life to even visit my family for the past 4 years. 

Silence once again filled the room and Jaira's playing filled the room. 

"Vyom..." Nidha broke the silence. I looked at her as she bit her lip hesitantly. "I... Will you... will you submit the divorce papers?" 

Frustration boiled up inside of me. "No!" I looked around to make sure Jaira wasn't hearing us. "I am not divorcing you. That the end of the conversation." I turn to face her, staring straight at her so she can't escape my eyes. 

"How is it the end? I want a divorce." She gets out of her seat, closing the distance between us. 

I grab her hand and pull her towards me. "YOU'RE MY WIFE. And you will always be my wife. Take all the time you want, but we will not divorce. Till my last breath, I will spend loving you and trying to win you back." My words come out as a promise to myself. 

The distance between us is mere centimeters now and we are both breathing in each other's scents. Her hand on my shoulder feels electrifying and arises different sensations within me. We both breathe in unison, our breaths becoming one. 

In each other's arms, the rest of the world comes to a halt. 

Precap: Nidha realizes she still loves Vyom!

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I hope you guys enjoyed it! I wrote in with a small chunk of free time I found and so sorry if there are any mistakes. 😭

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