Chapter 9- Star Gazing

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Nidha's POV:

God this feels like such a great break from my hectic work routine. For the past 3 weeks, Vyom and I have been tag teaming in taking care of Di. I make sure she's eating according to her diet, doing small workouts, and taking her vitamins while Vyom takes on the heavy task of keeping her entertained and happy. 

I shouldn't really be complaining, he's been a terrific help. He's a great friend to Dev and Pihu, one everyone wishes for. 

On the other hand, I feel shameful, Like I'm running away from my job and using Pihu Di as an excuse. Using her ailment as an excuse for me to escape my bombarding work which I used as an excuse to stay away from home. 


A word most people use to describe the building where their parents live, where they live. But I can't say the same for me. Every second that I am in that house, I feel like running away. The hate, taunts, and fighting make me want to shut my eyes and disappear. 

Which is what I do. Disappear to the person that makes me feel loved and appreciated: Pihu Di. 

"Dr. Nidha!" A servant yells at me from the patio. 

I am pulled out of my thoughts and back into reality. I look up at the patio and see a flower pot falling down. Everything happens so quickly and I barely move out of my spot. Using my hands as a shield, I cover my face, close my eyes, and brace for the worse. 

But instead of crashing with a clay pot, I get pushed by strong hands. Before I can even make sense of what is happening, I lose my balance and fall backward, gripping onto the hands that pushed me. 

Together both me and the hands land in the pool behind us. 

I hit the water sideways and find it difficult to swim to the top. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get afloat. The water starts filling into my nose and I start splashing around everywhere. 

Firm hands grab my waist and pull me into a broad chest. 

"Hey, hey calm down. You're okay" The voice belonging to Vyom calls out to me. "I got you, ok? I'm not letting you go."

I manage to steady my breath and cough out the water I inhaled. Running a hand over my face, I move my wet hair and finally manage to open my eyes. 

Taking a minute to soak in my surroundings I realize Vyom is the one who pushed me and saved me. I also dragged him into the pool with me. 

I take a second to catch my breath. Vyoms hands are still on my waist and I'm gripping his shoulder. He's pinned me against the pool wall so I don't float away. My breathing finally steadies and I realize he hasn't taken his eyes off of me. I can't help but return his gaze. His round coffee eyes make contact with mine. They look so perfect in the sun, glowing and the lighter rim standing out from the darker center encapsulating my stare. 

We hold still for some time just looking at each other, breathing in unison.

"Omg! Bacha what happened?" Pihu Di calls out from her room window. 

Her voice brings me back into the present him and I pull apart from Vyom. He also clears his throat and takes a couple of steps back. 

"I fell in." I try to explain. 

I climb out of the pool, hands across my chest. Vyom's eyes go wide and he turns around facing the garden, still in the pool. 

"Come upstairs quickly, or you'll get sick!" Di closes the window and goes back to her room. 

I sprint through the house and lock myself in my room. I take a quick shower and hide in my room for the rest of the day.

I try to keep myself busy because if I start to think, my thoughts immediately go to the pool. I log my patients for the next week in advance and organize my closet. 

The sun sets and the stars appear. I make the decision to go to the roof for a walk and sneak out of my room. 

The wind hits my skin and the crisp air fills my lungs. I can't help but smile at the fresh blanket of stars that spread over the night sky. I put my hands up, making a small pinch around one of the big shining ones. 

"I'm sorry to say but you can't reach them kiddo," A voice startles me as I turn around to find Vyom behind me. 

I roll my eyes at him and return my attention to the stars. "As if I didn't know that. Just let a girl dream." 

He lets out a small laugh and joins me at the edge of the terrace. 

"You feeling okay? Scared me in the pool today..." He turns his whole body to me which makes me unable to look up at him. 

I fiddle with my hands instead. "Yea, thanks for saving me and saving me from the pot as well." 

"Of course Nidha. That's what friends are for." He smiles.

 A gust of wind comes through the terrace and I cross my hands as the goosebumps form. 

Vyom removes his jacket and puts it over my shoulders. "No, you don't have to." I try to give him back the jacket but he doesn't pay attention to me. "Well if you insist so much... You're old anyways it won't hurt if you get sick." I give a playful smirk and he rolls his eyes. 

"You know what the stars symbolize? Hope and inspiration. They are like the family that follows you no matter where you go, always having your back." He looks up at the sky with a small smile. 

I can't help but smirk at that comment. "Or the family who always reminds you that your dreams are out of reach."

"Well then they aren't your real family," He says with a frown. "Family is supposed to be loving, supportive, and trustworthy." 

I shake my head in disagreement. "Well, mine never forget to let me know how unwanted I am. You see I have an older sibling who happens to be a man. What can this poor daughter do in front of him." Not a lot of people know about my family but somehow sharing with Vyom doesn't bother me. 

"Daughter or son, you have immense potential. What people say should never stop you." His voice makes it sound like he too understands what I am going through. 

I nod my head. "You're right, but it's even harder when your own people don't support you." My eyes start welling up and my vision gets blurry.

"Hey don't ever say that." He grabs my hand and covers it with his hands. "You have Dev, bhabhi, your colleagues, and me-" He stops mid-sentence. 

I look up at him and finally meet his eyes.

"and many more." He finishes his sentence.

I don't let go of his hand. Instead, I soak in the beauty of the night. The beautiful stars, the crisp wind, and the wonderful man sitting next to me. 

We sit around and chit-chat for the next hour when we are interrupted by the noise of someone running up the stairs.

"Nidha are you here?" Dev Jiju calls out to me. 

I turn around and look to see the out-of-breath face of Dev. 

"Yes?" I asked worriedly. 

"Nidha, um your... um," He looks around confused about how to respond.

"Jiju tell me!" I walk up to him. Vyom puts his hand on my back worried.

"Nidha, your parents called. They want you to come home tomorrow... they fixed your marriage."

Precap: Nidha goes home to confront her parents. 

What??! Nidha's marriage?? Have faith in me guys!

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With CEO Vyom (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ