Chapter 18- Working Woman

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Nidha's POV:

Last night's party concluded pretty late and Vyom and I made our way to our room. Both of us have gotten the hang of giving each other space and knowing each other's habits. I know he likes to shower 2 times a day and so he usually uses the bathroom first while I use the closet to change out of my party clothes and then we switch. 

We've become a pretty good team. 

Today is no different than others, Vyom woke up and did his workout while I went and showered. We switch places and he goes and showers while I get ready. Within an hour we are ready to go downstairs. 

We reach downstairs and like every day, Vyom pulls out my chair and then sits down across from me. 

The whole family eats in silence. I look around but like every day, everyone's faces have the same old expression and they eat without acknowledging each other. 

Soon the men finish up their food and leave for the office. I look around, Ms. Gupta is busy flipping through a magazine while Ginny is scrolling her phone. I quickly finish up my breakfast and head towards the stairs. 

"Being lazy must be a thing in your family" Ms. Gupta says without looking up from her magazine.

I stop dead in my tracks. 'Is she talking to me?' I question. I turn around and look at her confused. 

"Every day, you eat breakfast and then lounge around in your room till dinner. If that's not being lazy then what is?" She slams her magazine close and looks up at me. I continue to just stare ahead at her unsure of what to say. "Everybody now knows you as the daughter-in-law of this house, don't you think you should be more than a housewife?" She snarks rolling her eyes. 

I stand at the bottom of the stairs dumbfounded by this exchange. My career was my personality, my identity, my passion, but ever since I got married, I have totally forgotten about my job. Sick leave can only last so long. 

"Mom..." Ginny looks up from her phone, trying to diffuse the situation. 

"What? I am only saying the truth, you work with Akshay and handle finances and I work with the NGO in my spare time. She should do something with her time as well instead of lazying around the house" Ms. Gupta's word spill like venom out of her mouth. 

And the venom hits straight at my heart. I close my eyes and let out a sigh. "I am a doctor," I say as my hands shake at my side.

Ms. Gupta lets out a snicker. "So now will the daughter-in-law of this will work from mornings to nights, disregarding her duties and husband?" She gets up and walks to me. 

"I don't understand. First, you want me to not be at home all day but now you have a problem with me doing my job?" I question her. 

"Problem? Your job isn't the only problem I have." She glares at me. 

Ginny follows her and tries to get between us. "Mom, it's okay. She's just trying to get used to this house." She explains on my behalf. 

"That's the problem, she never belonged to this house." Ms. Gupta snarks. "My sons are going to inherit the biggest architectural firm in India. They deserve wives with MBAs and business knowledge. You are practically useless for him and our family!" She screams at me. 

It feels as if her pent-up frustration from the past few days is finally getting out. But her words directly hurt my heart the same way my family's words did. The flashbacks crowd into my mind. 

My eyes sting with tears hearing her words. "Enough! My job is my identity and I love it a lot. I am more than capable!" I answer her. 

"You-" Ms. Gupta points her finger at me ready to throw some more insults. 

"STOP!" A voice roars from behind us.

All 3 of us turn to see Vyom standing there with his fist balled up at his side. Anger radiates around him. 

"Vyom you see how your wife-" Ms. Gupta starts complaining.

Vyom raises his hand to stop her. 

"Enough! You will not bad mouth my own wife in front of me." He glares at his mother. "Nidha is an amazing doctor. A doctor who would sacrifice themselves for her patients." He turns to me, with sincerity in his eyes. "She can do whatever she wants, even I don't have the right to stop her." 

His words hang around in the room and Ms. Gupta looks at him in disbelief. 

"I can't believe you, for this girl..." She shakes her head at Vyom. 

She leaves with Ginny following behind her. 

Vyom takes my hand and drag's me upstairs to our room. 

"Why didn't you say anything?" He questions me angrily. 

I look at him confused. "What do you mean?" 

"Why can't you stop my mother from talking to you in this way? Look at me Nidha, no one can talk to you in that tone." He says grabbing my hand.

The warmth of his hands touches my shaking ones and instantly calms me down. I look up at him, my eyes still teary. 

"Vyom, I can't speak back to people. My heart broke into a million pieces when she called me useless." My voice comes out small and frail. 

He sits me down on the bed and kneels in front of me. His hands caress my shoulders and he meets my gaze. "Nidha, you are not useless. But that is not for me to tell you but for you to make yourself believe. You will always be free to do whatever you want." 

I take a moment to take in his words and think back to today's events. "Vyom..." He looks up at me expectantly. "I want to prove myself, I want to bring growth to the Gupta business." 

Vyom lets out a small sigh. "Nidha, you don't have to. My mom was speaking bullshit." 

"No," I say firmly. "I want to work in the Gupta wellness department. All the employees need medical checkups and guidance, I want to be a part of that. I want to show that doctors are an important part of this firm too." 

He takes a moment to study my face. The silence makes me nervous. 

"If that's what you want to do, then you have my full support." He says with a smile on his face. 

I can't help but break into a grin myself and I launch myself at him giving him a big hug. 

My sudden movement makes him lose his balance and fall to the ground with my arms around him. 

We crash onto the floor with me on top of him. Although we just hit the hard floor, neither of us moves. 

Our eyes lock together and I stare into his brown eyes. The eyes that bring me reassurance on a stormy night, the same eyes that have started to feel like home. 

A part of me doesn't want to let go and stay together like this.

In the arms of my home. 

Precap: Nidha's first day at the office.

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With CEO Vyom (Complete)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin