Chapter 38- Dr. Gupta

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Nidha's POV: 

A week had passed since that unexpected encounter with Vyom. In that time, I had done everything within my power to avoid him, to bury the emotions that had stirred within me during our brief moment together. 

But even though I hadn't seen him in days, his presence lingered like an unwelcome guest in the back of my mind, a constant reminder of a past I was desperately trying to move on from.

It was this motivation that led me to the job interview that morning, despite my uneasiness and the endless doubts about staying in India that sat at the edges of my mind. 

As I sat in the lobby, waiting anxiously for my name to be called, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness creeping over me.

My fingers tapped nervously against the armrest of the chair, my heart pounding like a drum in my chest. I took deep breaths, trying to calm the nerves that threatened to consume erupt from within me. But beneath the surface, a sense of tension bubbled—a quiet excitement at the prospect of a new beginning, a chance to carve out a path for myself in this comfortable city.

When the receptionist finally called my name, I rose from my seat with a shaky breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead. I followed her down a corridor lined with closed doors, each framed with a nameplate of the greatest doctors of the city. With each step, my determination set in, a confidence to seize this opportunity and make the most of it.

As I entered the boss's office, I was greeted by a middle-aged man with a warm smile. "Mrs. Gupta, please have a seat," he said, gesturing towards a chair opposite his desk.

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of that name—the name I had left behind along with the shattered pieces of my past. "Actually, it's Dr. Kaur," I corrected him gently, taking my seat with a forced smile.

But the man merely raised an eyebrow, his smile faltering slightly. "I'm sorry, Doctor, but our records show otherwise," he said, pulling up a file on his computer screen. "According to our background check, you are listed as Dr. Gupta."

My stomach churned with confusion as I stared at him, disbelief washing over me like a storm engulfing the room. "That can't be right," I protested, my voice trembling with uncertainty. "I got divorced 4 years ago." I avoided his gaze as he wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion.

But as he handed me the report, my hands shook even more violently as I scanned the words on the page. There, in black and white, was the evidence of a life I had long since left behind—a life that I had tried so desperately to forget.

'Marital status: married,' the report read, each word hitting my chest like a dagger. And there, in the box marked "spouse," was the name I had tried so hard to erase from my memory: Vyom Gupta.

The room spun around me as I struggled to make sense of it all. How could this be possible? How could I still be married?

Emotions circled into my mind and bounced within me—a mixture of shock, disbelief, and a deep-seated fear that threatened to consume me whole. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I grappled with the weight of this revelation, the crushing weight of a truth I had long tried to bury.

At that moment, sitting alone in that office, I felt utterly and completely lost. Lost in a sea of uncertainty, adrift in a storm of my own making. As my heart threatened to thump out of its cavity, I heard a cough on the other side of the desk. 

I looked up to meet the boss's gaze. "Doctor Gupt- um I mean Kaur, why don't we reschedule our interview?" I could hear a hint of uncertainty in his voice. 

"Thank you," was all I could respond as I made my way out of his office. 

As I exited the building, a flood of emotions overwhelmed me. As if I was punched by a million pricks, my stomach ached in anxiety about the report that lay in my hands. 

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