Chapter 7- Back to Work

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Author's POV:

The sun shines brightly through the half-opened curtain, hitting directly onto Nidha and Vyom's faces. 

Nidhas who's fast asleep hugging a pillow, stirs in her sleep. On the other end, at the foot of the bed, a blanketless Vyom sneezes in his sleep. 

"Bless you..." Nidha murmured in her sleep. 

Soon the realization hits and Nidha startles up in bed. The sudden movement also awakened Vyom, who lifts his head. 

Nidha's eyes go wide as she realizes she isn't in her own room. They almost fall out of her socket when she sees Vyom at the foot of the bed. 

"I... how?" She tries to form words into a sentence but is unable to. 

"You don't remember last night?" Vyom asks Nidha as he gets up to get some water. 

"No, not at all. Why am I here?" Nidha looks at Vyom in confusion. A sudden pain in her head helps her remember going to the hotel bar to grab a drink. 

"You got wasted at the bar, almost harassed and I had to carry you upstairs but you didn't have your room key. And then..." Vyom smirks as he turns and offers some water to Nidha. 

"And then what??" Nidha worriedly asks as she grabs the much-needed water. She thinks back to all the tv shows and movies where the characters make drunk decisions. Bad decisions. 

"You know kiddo, if you can't handle your liquor maybe just stick to apple juice." He easily dismisses Nidha's question leaving her wondering. 

'I'm not a kid." She says in her defense and gets off the bed and walks to the door. 

Vyom opens the door for her as Nidha walks out avoiding the lights. 

'God this headache! This morning can't get worse' She thinks to herself. 

Just then she hears someone call behind her. "Nidha?" 

She stops dead in her tracks, her eyes going wide. 

"Jiju!" She says turning around and seeing Dev walk up towards her. 

Dev walks up to her trying to figure out why Nidha had just come out of his best friend's room. 

"Oh um, I needed some conditioner so I was checking to see if Vyom had some." Nidha lies. 

"You should've just asked Pihu, have you seen that fool's hair? I doubt he uses conditioner. " Dev jokes around. 

Nidha dismisses him with a small chuckle and speeds to her room. 

She spends the rest of the day hiding and trying to cure her hangover. 

2 weeks later

Although the vacation was a good break, Nidha returned to her chaos. But instead of feeling energized, she was constantly tired and overwhelmed with her work. 

But that didn't stop her, one of the reasons she became a doctor was to help and heal people. Her desire to work selflessly was the only reason she worked in a public hospital instead of a private practice. 

Today was like no other, she had a steady crowd of patients and a pile of files to go through. 

"Dr. Nidha! There is an emergency!" A nurse ran into Nidha's cabin. 

"But I don't take ER patients?" Nidha looked up at the nurse who was out of breath. 

"Yes, but they requested specifically for you." 

"Transfer my patients to Dr. Singh!" Nidha yelled as she made her way out of her cabin and sprinted to the ER. 

Upon arriving, the nurse guided Nidha to a curtain where her patient was. When she pulled back the curtain, she was shocked to see Pihu on the hospital bed and Dev sitting beside her. 

"Di?" Nidha said glancing back and forth between her cousin and her husband. 

Their faces were filled with worry that made Nidha's heart drop. 

"Nidha...I..." Pihu tried to explain but burst out into tears.

Dev and Nidha both grab her hands and comfort her. Nidha looks up at Dev. 

"We were shopping and she went to the bathroom and she was bleeding," Dev explained. 

That was all the explanation Nidha needed and she jumped into action. First, she took a blood sample of Pihu, then called for an ultrasound and comforted her cousin. 

After an hour of tests and uncertainty, Nidha walked back into the room with a file. 

"There is nothing to worry about, the baby is fine. Bleeding sometimes occurs during pregnancy, it's a way for the uterus to remove waste." Nidha delivers the good news to the couple with a grin. 

They instantly burst out into a smile and give each other a hug. 

"But, Di your reports do show that your amniotic fluid is low. I would recommend bed rest until your 2nd trimester. Around 4-6 weeks." Nidha warns them.

The gynecologist has a few words with the couple and then leaves for her other patients. 

"You guys don't worry, baby is fine." Nidha once again reassures her cousin. "Although I recommend having a caretaker for the next couple of weeks."

Nidha greets them goodbye and heads back to her patients. 

Later in the day, she calls her supervisor. 

"Hello sir, I was calling to ask for a half shift for the next couple of weeks. I need to be a caretaker for a family member." She tells him.

After some back and forth, she manages to slim down her schedule so she can go take care of Pihu. 

Little did she know, on the other side of town, Vyom was doing the same thing after hearing about Pihu's health. 

Precap: Nidha and Vyom take care of Pihu together.

I hope you liked this chapter! 

Let me know if there's any plot or character you would like to see!

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