Chapter 17- Mr. and Ms. Gupta

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Author's POV:

It's been a couple of days since Vyom and Nidha got married and both have been slowly adjusting to their new life.

Vyom has been working relentlessly at the command of his father. Going into the office first thing in the morning and leaving late at night, he has barely had time to look after himself. Much to his dismay, he has become a working minion of his father.

Nidha on the other hand is having trouble adjusting to her life at the Gupta mansion. Feeling lonely at times, she often camps out in her room and skips lunch.

Today marks one week to Nidha's entry into Vyoms life, as usual, Vyom and Nidha get ready and head downstairs for breakfast at 8:30.

Nidha and Vyom make their way to the table and join everyone while they have their breakfast.

Ginny gives Nidha a smile and hands her the plate of croissants, Nidha takes one for herself and serves one to Vyom. Between the 2 of them, they have settled down nicely, both serve each other and get started on their breakfast.

"I have invited all the investors tonight," Mr. Gupta looks up from his plate. "We will hold a reception for you 2." He turns to Nidha and Vyom.

Nidha looks up for an instant at Vyom. Vyom too looks back at her clueless about what his father is talking about.

"There is no need to hold a party for this joke." Ms. Gupta remarks from her seat.

"Mom-" Vyom sighs at his mom.

Before he can finish Mr. Gupta raises his hand to stop him. "Word got out that you got married, I don't need rumors going around. Everyone be dressed and behave accordingly." He commands his family and gets up to leave for his study.

Nidha sighs at the events of breakfast. One thing she had noted in her short time here is that whatever Mr. Gupta says is final. He doesn't account for other people's feelings or views.

"You know, I think this reception party will be good!" Ginny tries to comfort Nidha.

"Yea, at least we get you to celebrate your wedding now," Akshay turns to Vyom giving him a congratulatory pat on the back.

Vyom lets out a small smile and goes back to his breakfast. After finishing breakfast, Vyom and Nidha go back to their room.

Vyom sits on the bed with his laptop while Nidha paces back and forth in the room.

"I'm all supportive of your fitness journey, but you're making my head hurt Nidha," Vyom glances up from his laptop.

Nidha dismisses his comment and continues pacing around the room lost in thought.

"Nidha??" Vyom pushes his laptop aside and get's up from the bed. "What are you thinking about?" He questions her.

"The party. I'm nervous Vyom, I don't know what to wear or how to act!" Nidha says continuing her pacing.

Vyom lets out a small chuckle and walks toward her. "That's nonsense." He grabs her elbow while she passes him and pulls her close to him. "Why would you need to try hard?" He asks her.

Nidha gets shocked being so close to him. "I... I just want everyone to accept me" He says trying to avoid looking at Vyom.

Vyom scrunched his face at her absurd reason. "You care so much about what they think?" He says getting closer to her face.

The warm breath of his words brushes past Nidha's face and she can't help but glance up at Vyom. Vyom holds Nidha's arms and leans in closer.

"Doesn't your husband's opinion matter?" He whispers into her ears.

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