Chapter 13- Nidha's Mehendi

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Author's POV: 

Morning at the Kaur house has been a hectic mess. Today was Nidha's mehendi and everybody has been working since the night making sure everything is perfect. Not for Nidha of course but for the rest of the relatives and Jatin. 

Nidha tossed and turned the whole night, thoughts about the wedding and her life after kept her awake through the night. 

With just 3 hours of sleep, Nidha got out of bed ready to face her fate. She grabbed the lehenga Pihu picked out for her and started getting ready. 

In the past week, she had made it very clear to her family that she wasn't interested in this wedding. She refused to hire a makeup artist or go shopping for her clothes, even said no to the planner Jatin had sent to her house. But her family didn't even seem to notice. To them, it was one less thing they had to worry about and they diverted all their attention to pleasing Jatin and his family. 

Nidha got ready within an hour and started to head downstairs. She was expecting a bare living room with a couple of her relatives. Instead, she was met with some of the prettiest flower arches and neon signs she had ever seen. 

"How..?" She asked herself, amazed at the state of her living room. 

"You thought I would let one of the most important days in your life go by so plainly?" Pihu walked towards her with a big smile on her face. "You can go get set up over there." She said to the lady with her. 

Nidha greeted her sister in surprise. "Di, how did you do all this?" 

"I didn't lift a finger, my 2 helpers did all the work." She says pointing to Dev and  Vyom carrying boxes and helping with decorations. 

Nidha's eyes go wide in surprise as she sees them helping make her not-so-perfect day better. Happy marriage or not, at least her last day in this house will be beautiful.

"You didn't have to do all this Di, I would've been fine with a simple mehendi." Nidha turns to Pihu. 

"Nonsense, I would never let my little sister have such a plain wedding. This is barely anything, you deserve so much more." Pihu gets teary-eyed as she gives Nidha a big hug. "God these pregnancy hormones are making me crazy! Your little niece or nephew is already killing me." 

Both sisters let out a small laugh and part from their hug. 

Nidha takes her seat on the couch and watches as the mehendi artists start prepping and getting her henna done. 

Soon Jatin's family also arrives for the function and both families greet one another. 

"Hey Nidha," Jatin approaches Nidha. 

Nidha gives him a small smile as he takes his seat next to her. 

"Make sure to do her henna nicely," He says to artists that are working on her hands. "My bride should look amazing."

Nidha lets out a small sigh. 'How am I supposed to spend the rest of my life with a guy like this?' She thinks to herself. She thinks about how self-obsessed and rude Jatin has been and how in a couple of times they have talked, they have never had a nice conversation together. 

Before he can say more, Pihu joins the couple with Dev. 

"Hey, you must be Jatin." She says extending her hand to him. 

"Yes. And you?" He asks while shaking her hand. 

"Only the most important people in Nidha's life." Dev jokes as he also shakes his hand. "Priyanka and Dev, Nidha's cousin, and I'm her husband." 

"Ahh, I see. But I think I'm her priority now." Jatin tries to joke with them but it clearly fails. 

The awkwardness was so high that I could make anyone embarrassed. 

"No Nidha will always remain important to me and I to her," Pihu says in a warning tone. 

Jatin lets out a small laugh. 

"We will see." He says. 

Pihu is about to say something when Dev takes her by the hand and drags her away. Thank god for him or she probably would've brought hell on earth for Jatin. 

"I don't like her," Jatin says to Nidha after Pihu and Dev leave. 

Nidha turns to him confused. "She's my sister," She says to him, hoping he would stop badmouthing her family. 

"Yea, but she really didn't know when to stop. I don't like those kinds of women, you know?" He simply says without blinking. 

Nidha looks at him appalled. She's shocked at the hypocrisy of this man. The man she was marrying. 

After a while, Jatin gets up to go talk to his friends while Nidha finishes her mehendi. 

Nidha sits there zoning out and thinking about how different her life is going to change after marriage. She won't be hanging out with her friends, or going to work but instead, she will be cooking and cleaning for Jatin and his family. 

"Maam, I have hidden a 'J' in your hand, don't crease your hand or else it will turn into a 'V'" The mehendi artist warns Nidha. 

"Hmm," Nidha responds still lost in her thoughts. 

From the other side of the room, Vyom notices how worried and sad Nidha looks. 

He may not know much about her but he knows for sure that that's not how a girl should look at her own wedding. 

On the other corner, he sees Jatin smiling and hanging out with his friends and checking out other girls. 

For some reason, imagining a guy like him marrying and disrespecting Nidha makes Vyom's blood boil. Scared of his own anger, Vyom walks out of the house to get some air. 

"Bro, where you going?" Dev says stopping his friend. 

"I can't bear this!" Vyom finally bursts at his friend. "She can't be getting married like this."

"I know it's not ideal, but-" Dev tries to reason with his friend. 

"Ideal? This isn't fair! She is such a fun, energetic, and lively girl. How can she settle down like this? Her work is her passion, her travel is medicine, and her partying is her vibe." The words flow out of Vyom's mouth as if he has known her for her whole life and knows exactly what she is thinking. "She doesn't want this bro! In Goa, at the club, she looked so free! Here she looks like she's getting handcuffed. This isn't her. I can't stand it." 

Getting the words out makes Vyom feel so much better. 

"We can't do anything." Dev says shattering Vyoms hopes. 

He realizes how correct his best friend is. All he needs from Nidha is one word, one glance, even one signal and he will happily help her out of this mess. But he can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. 

Vyom's shoulders drop down as he takes a seat on the bench next to him. 

The function continues on inside, prepping for tomorrow. The day Nidha and Vyom both don't want to come. 

Both wished that time would freeze.

But there is no stopping it. 

Tomorrow is Nidha's wedding. 

Precap: Nidha and Jatin's wedding!

What's going to happen at the wedding?

Please comment your thoughts, your reactions help me a ton. 

Please share and vote!


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