Chapter 19- Dr. Nidha Gupta

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Author's POV:

Today was Nidha's first day at the office, being the company's new wellness director, she was very excited, to say the least.

Although she didn't have to leave for the office till after breakfast, she got up 2 hours early and was ready even before Vyom woke up. Rummaging through her closet, Nidha went through a pile of clothes before settling on a grey pantsuit. She had to make the best impression.

Nervous about her first day, she sat on the balcony staring out at the sunrise. Thinking about her forthcoming endeavors, she hoped that like this sunrise, her new beginning was filled with hope and happiness.

Soon the clock rang 7 and Vyom's alarm went off. He got up and looked to his left. Vyom and Nidha had come to the compromise of sharing the bed. Since it was big enough, both were comfortable and easily stuck to their own sides.

This morning however was different. Vyom woke up and couldn't find Nidha next to him, he recalled how nervous she was the night before and started looking around the room for her.

"Already working to be Mr. Gupta's number 1 employee huh?" He said approaching Nidha on the balcony.

Nidha turned around to face Vyom. "How?" She questioned him.

Vyom let out a small laugh and joined her at the railing. "You got up before the rest of the house and got ready for work. If you keep this up you might get promoted higher than me." He smirked at her.

"Why Mr. Gupta? Are you scared that I am going to outshine you?" She raised her eyebrows jokingly.

"See that's the thing Ms. Gupta," Vyom walked around Nidha and stopped behind her. "you can outshine me any day and I will be proud of you." He whispered into her ear.

The closeness of Vyom's warm breath made the hairs on the back of Nidha's neck stand. Her heartbeat quickened and she tried averting her eyes from him. She closed her eyes trying to calm her speeding heart.

She heard the bathroom door shut, and quickly opened her eyes. 'God, what is wrong with me?' She blushed to herself.

The rest of the morning progressed as normal, Vyom and Nidha went downstairs and had their breakfast with the rest of the family.

Except this time, instead of watching Vyom go off to the office, Nidha left the table with him. Ginny gave her a small thumbs up and she made her way to the front door.

As discussed the night prior, Vyom offered to be with Nidha throughout her first day but the latter declined. She rode in her own car, another bonus of being a Gupta, and arrived at the office.

Nidha was mesmerized at the sight of the Gupta firm. A tall 27-story building with an entirety of its floors made of glass looked majestic from the street.

"Dr. Gupta?" A short woman in her 40s called out to Nidha as she entered the company.

The woman approached Nidha and shook her hand. "I am Banni Nath, from the employee wellness department!" She said in a chirping voice. "I will be your guide and companion here."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Nath" Nidha smiled at the lady.

"Please call me Banni doctor." Banni smiled back at Nidha. "Let me show you to the wellness floor."

Banni took Nidha through the security gate at the entrance. "The only way, you can get in is with this keycard." She handed Nidha a small blue card. Nidha followed her through the gate and up the elevator to the 7th floor.

She looked around amazed at the big open floor plan. On one side were desks with employees typing away at the screen, while on the other side, there was a variety of exam rooms and other medical equipment.

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