As breakfast sessions came to an end, each one of them stood up to exit for their respective jobs. Just as Yeonjun reached for his college bag, there was a second firm grip on it. He glanced at the person and the hand. "You have a college fest tomorrow, so you are not coming with us." Yeonjun titled his head in confusion when he heard his hyung. "I don't want to lose my sh.t in a calm family trip. So, it's better you stay away from this." Taehyung said. "But." Yeonjun spoke, but as soon as he noticed the tiger glare, he quickly shut his mouth. "I still have not digested everything I saw in your room that day. Don't overestimate your luck. If you confront me in my true form, don't think you will live another day." He felt a chill run down his spine as Taehyung growled softly.

"And that. You see that. That is all mine. Not even thinking about him would be forgiven in my book. Thus, etch that into your memory. Also, do you want to know what mom and dad will do if I tell them everything? They will forget, they have a son like you." Taehyung said, fixing Yeonjun's fringes after pointing at Jungkook, who was taking Minkoo from her cradle.

"That's it. So, are you coming to New York?" He asked with a tilt of his head. Yeonjun shook his head slightly. "Good for you then. Or else, if I see your shadow on him, I will forget that you are my brother." Taehyung said and walked past him but paused on his steps again. "And don't think that I have forgiven you. When you are healthy, we will have a match" Taehyung said with a sexy grin. "Match?" Yeonjun asked in confusion. "Yep. Not cricket, but boxing." Taehyung smirked by twisting his wrist before walking towards his husband by fixing an innocent pout back on his lips.

"Jungkook. Don't you think we have to pack our dresses? Come I will help you." Taehyung said, hugging him by his shoulder. Jungkook looked at the hand and then at the person. "Ah. No worries. I have already forgiven you." Taehyung said, pushing him to their room. "Oh, Do you think I have forgiven you?" Jungkook yanked his grip from his shoulder and walked ahead by swaying his hips.


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"Jungkook. I am ready. Ride however and how long you w..mmm.." Taehyung's voice went incoherent when Jungkook rushed to him and covered his mouth with his palm with a frightened gaze after looking around to check if somebody had heard them. "Aish. Tae." Jungkook gave a slap on his chest and went to their room, mumbling some scoldings.

"Haha. we are all alone
(Ride it) just lose control
(Ride it, ride it) come touch my soul
(Ride it, ride it) baby let me feel you
(Ride it) turn the lights down low.."

"Ahh.. Shhh.. Stop it." Jungkook gave a deathly glare at him by holding back his laugh. "Can't I sing a song now?" Taehyung asked and caressed Jungkook's back till his hips. "Don't you have any other songs to sing?" Jungkook ran ahead holding Minkoo in his hand and Taehyung trailed behind him laughing. As they made their way to their rooms, the sound of their shared laughter resounded down the hall and eventually faded.

"Where are you running from me?" Taehyung gripped his hand and yanked him to his chest. "Ah." Jungkook landed on his chest while Minkoo was held firmly in his arms. Jungkook squirmed in his hold but Taehyung pressed him against his body and wrapped his hands around his waist by smooching his nape.

"Mm." Jungkook turned his head by biting his lips. "This much demand? You even let me sleep on the balcony." Taehyung caressed his hips with his one hand while the other held tightly around his waist. "Don't you think you deserve some good beating." Taehyung cupped one of his a..scheeks and squeezed it. "Tae.. No.." Jungkook whispered as his gaze fell on Minkoo's innocent round eyes, which was fixed on his face.

"Do you think Kookie is so pretty?" Taehyung kept his chin on Jungkook's shoulder and asked the baby, whose gaze shifted from Jungkook to Taehyung as she tucked her first inside her mouth and started s.cking it. "Are you hungry, little bun?" Taehyung asked, as he tucked his hand inside his pants. "Tae. No. What are you doing?" Jungkook asked in panic. "I think she is hungry. Aren't you going to feed her?" Taehyung gently struck his finger between his a..cheeks. "Tae. No." Jungkook pushed him by wiggling in his hold. "Why?" Taehyung caressed the rim of his a.... h..le gently. " I.. I am s..still ang..angry at you." Jungkook shuttered by biting his lower lips to not let out any voice that will scare the baby in his hands. "But your body is not like that. See, how it is clenching around my little finger." Taehyung said, slowly pushing his pink finger. "Noo. I am still angry." Jungkook whispered, l..king his lips.

"Mm. Okay. If you say No, then it's fine." Taehyung said and took his hand out and moved aside. Jungkook breathed out in relief. "I will give you a bottle, baby." Jungkook said and headed to the bed and gently placed her on it and went to take the bottle.

"What do you want me to do?" Taehyung asked, standing in the middle of the room holding a traveling bag. "Your dress, mm. Keep your blazers as well. For me, pack my sets, my crops and jeans." Jungkook said, holding the bottle in her tiny mouth. "Okay." Taehyung did exactly as Jungkook said. "Do you want to take these?" Taehyung asked, pointing at his dressing table. "I will take it after I dress up." Jungkook said.

"Fine, then if you don't have anything else. Come and give me a head." Taehyung said. "Head. Yes. I will give it to you." Jungkook said, with an angry pout. "Here or in bathroom?" Taehyung asked. "You still have the boldness to ask me for a head? After what you did to me?" Jungkook asked in disbelief. "Yes. Because I am in a mood not because it's some date." Taehyung replied and the pout on Jungkook's lips went deeper. "I love it when we are normal, Jungkook. Like how we used to be. These dates, these preparations, I think we lost spark in our physical relationship because of this. However we overcame that after our visit to Paris. So, let's not go back to it. I don't want that. You don't deserve it. Let's not get bothered about everything. Let's not keep expectations and love passionately beyond the boundaries." Taehyung slowly approached him and kneeled down in front of him and cupped his face. "You are a beautiful husband, Jungkook. You fulfil my every desire. And with or without a baby, you are a wonderful mother." Taehyung pecked his pouty lips. Jungkook hiccup and lifted his head to look at Taehyung. "Rea..really?" Jungkook asked. "Yep. If you have doubts, ask her or ask Jae or Soo." Taehyung said, pointing at the baby kicking his tiny legs and hands up by making cute tiny voices. Jungkook smiled looking at her then at Taehyung, but immediately lowered his gaze down when he saw how intensely Taehyung was looking into his eyes. "Can we love intensely while she plays for a while?" Taehyung asked, caressing his powdered cheeks. Jungkook looked at the baby then at Taehyung. "Don't worry. We have a floor for ourselves." Taehyung said, pulling Jungkook by his wrist while he properly sat on the floor and started to lean backward to lay down. "But." Jungkook asked the doubt fully as he also leaned forward to his body. "Don't worry. She is not even in an age to identify the difference between her two tiny palms." Taehyung whispered, pulling Jungkook's tees up slowly. "Let me play with your b....bies, Jungkook." He whispered, caressing his hand upward to hold his b....bies. Jungkook giggled and positioned his left b....bies on his mouth and stretched his hands to grab a hair clip. Taehyung opened his mouth and held his tongue out to that milky white melon but immediately screamed when that hair clip clipped his tongue. "Aaah. Jungkookkkk." Taehyung called him aloud after taking that hair clip from his tongue while Jungkook somehow stood up and hastily rushed to the washroom without stumbling on his feet on the way. be continued..

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