Volume 2 Chapter 9: Descent into madness

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Dean: It's fine, Professor Goodwitch. (gets up) I'm game.

He gets out into the area and they fight. They fight for a bit, and this time, Dean uses Balrog and Lucifer to fight. They battle a bit, until Mercury raises his hands.

Mercury: I forfeit.

Dean: (confused) Excuse me? You wanna quit without even trying?

Mercury: (shrugging) What's the point? You're a second-year fighter. We're obviously leagues apart.

Dean: You picked the fight, so finish this!

???: No need for this violence, Dean.

They turn to see a familiar face.

Glynda: Professor Jupiter. What brings you here?

Jupiter: I came by to watch the matches. An excellent display from your battles. If you don't mind, I'd like to speak with Team DVANT.

Glynda: Well, you're in luck, class has just finished.

Pyrrha: Professor Jupiter. Once you've finished talking with them, could you have them come to us. 

Jupiter: Of course. 

They leave and join up with him. They head back to their dorm where Jupiter speaks to them.

Dean: What brings you here?

Jupiter: I'm here to see the outcome of the Vytal Festival.

Vali: You are aware none of us are participating.

Jupiter: I am. But I'm talking about something- (lowers his voice) I'm talking about something worse than that.

Nikki: What's wrong, love?

Jupiter: I've been looking into your recent encounters with the White Fang. It turns out, that wasn't their only attack, before. Especially one with the supernatural. There've been other sightings over the kingdoms, and the odd thing is, they're only going for Dust.

Arcturus: They've worked with them before?

Jupiter: Demons, fallen angels, and especially dragur don't work with humans. Torchwick isn't the mastermind, but rather a pawn for someone, or something else.

Týra: Why keep this a secret?

Jupiter: We're not certain who is behind this, but I have a feeling it's something connected directly to the Vytal Festival. I know you'll be gearing up for new mission soon, but if you get the chance, I'd like you to help keep an eye out on the students.

Dean: Does Ozpin or Goodwitch know about this?

Jupiter: I can't share too many of the details, but I can tell you we're checking every possible lead in who this is.

Vali: (narrows his eyes) What are your true intentions?

Jupiter: Sorry?

Vali: You sent us Settlement 5 for a reason, and since then, you've kept in contact with us. For what reason? What do you want?

Jupiter: All I want is for human kind to be kept safe. Ember is part of keeping the next generation safe, and all I ask from you four to keep her safe no matter what.

Their conversation ended there. After that, Team DVANT, Pyrrha, and Sun headed to RWBY's dorm as he told them what had happened and to think of a way to help him.

Sun: I just don't know what's going on with him.

Pyrrha: He's never been like that before. 

Blake: I think I do, he's worried about everything that has happened and he's obsessed with getting answers. I was too, but Yang and Tŷra managed to help me with that.

The Nephilim of Remnant: (Remake of RWBY Harem x Male Sparda Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя