At Marks Active (2)

64 3 5

Spelling errors

I don't think there is any warning

Reds POV
Red pushed herself to her feet. No more slacking, she thought to herself, I need to get out of here. We can worry about Alan later. So how can I get out...
She tested the bars and tugged and pulled at them but, of course, they didn't break. She stuck her hand out the bars and then her arm, but again of course she couldn't slide out.

"Alright, so the bars are about... A couple inches wide... Crap, I wish Yellow was here."
She grumbled but refused to give up. She stood still and thought.

"Maybe mom knows how to get out!"
She gasped. She closed her eyes and transported herself (somehow) into the Outernet.

"Mom? Orchid? Gold? Anybody?"
Red called out. And as Red suspected, the wind picked up and the ghosts appeared.

"What's up?"
Gold asked, smiling. Orchid and Ruby waved at Red a gave her a friendly hug.

"I need to get outa the prison and free my friends!"
Red explained., "I was wondering if-"

Suddenly the wind picked up from out of no were and the ghosts disappeared. Red looked around confused. Suddenly someone gasped from behind her. Red spun around and her jaw dropped.


He looked at her nervously.

"Red! Red please don't hate me! I didn't mean i-it I-"

"Hey calm down. I... I don't remember what happened. It's ok. "
Red shrugged and smiled a little. TDL blinked.

"How could you forget?! I-"
He began again.

"Hey shut up," Red interrupted, "I was just wondering if you, or one of the ghosts, could help me. I need to get out of Victim's prison, and my friends too."

"Victim has you imprisoned?"
TDL asked.

Red nodded, "He said he's going to get revenge on... Alan... Can you help me?"

TDL thought for a moment.

"I was thinking I could maybe use some kinda technology or something..."
Red continued. TDL snapped his finger.

"I know what we can do. Remember the At Marks you have? Maybe we can make them work backwards and so you can become a ghost, without actually dying that is, so you can phase through stuff."
He explained.

"Perfect!! You think you can get them for me?"

"No problem..."
TDL paused, "Thanks for forgiving me."

Red waved it off.

"No problem, bud."

After about 30 minutes, TDL came to Red, who was asleep, and dropped off a couple At Marks.

When Red woke up, she picked up a Mark and placed it on her shoulder.

Immediately, sparks flew into the air and wind whipped around Red and then she turned transparent. She placed her hand on the jail bar and it slipped right through.

She grabbed the small pile of At Marks TDL has brought and then quickly she stepped out of the prison and ran out of the room.

For a moment she forgot she was a ghost and tried to be stealthy, before realizing it didn't matter.


Red found her way to the security room and looked at all the screens till she had spotted the rooms her friends were in.

"Rooms 12, 10, 5, and TBR."
She said to herself.

The closest room was Room 5, which was the room Green was in.

Red, still in ghost mode, slipped out and turned a few corners before finding the room.

She made sure it was empty and then walked in casually. Once she reached the prison Green was in, she deactivated the At Mark and appeared again, scary the life out of Green.

He screamed and then abruptly slapped a hand over his mouth.


Red pulled out another sticker and slipped it through the bars to Green.

"Put it on and then you'll turn invisible and you can get out of the cage. Don't ask questions and don't speak we need to hurry so we don't-"


The door to the room opened and two workers had spotted Red. Green quickly took the sticker from Red and put it on, turning invisible. Red turned invisible too and quickly they left the room, leaving the workers confused and angry. An alarm sounds and the speakers sent a alarm that two prisoners had escaped. More workers, holding guns, tranquillizers, glitch shooters, and other strange weapons, ran around the building as Green and Red tried to find a hiding spot.

Red stopped and Green skidded to a halt.

"Why'd you stop?"
He asked.

"There's no way we can free the others without getting caught."

"We have to try."
Green urged. Red shook her head.

"We'll come back for them. We needed to go back to Alan. Did you... Never mind we can talk later. Come on, we gotta go. Quick."
Red started off again, Green tagged along behind.

They ran out into the woods and once the made it to clearing were they had seen TSC and Chosen being kidnapped, they turned visible again.

"You sure we're safe?"
Green said quietly while he careful looked around. Red wasn't sure.

"They'll probably send out search teams soon. We need to be fast and get back to Alan. Don't stop."


Red and Green, nearly being seen once more by the guys on there scooter/hover-cycle things, finally made their way back to Alans PC. Both out of breath, collapsed on the desktop. Alan's curser zoomed down to them.

Red suddenly remembered what Victim had told her

~"He said your his least favorite. He is fake."~

Red stood up and looked at the curser, frowning.
Green looked up at her and noticed her anger. He stood up next to her.

"Is something wrong?"

Red didn't reply. She wasn't sure what to do. Ask Alan now, in front of Green, or later in private? But the question was nagging at her and eating her up on the inside. She made up her mind. She needed to know.

"Alan..." She hesitated, "why- did you say I'm your least favorite?"

Green looked confused and Alan looked shocked.

"Red he would never say tha-"

"[Red! I- I...]"
Alan stuttered. Red stared right at him.

"Tell me the truth. "
She said in a low voice.

"[DJ made me! I mean, I shouldn't have, but I- I... Red please don't be mad, I don't hate you. Please, I didn't mean i- it, I mean I-I... Please forgive me, don't be mad, please-"

Red began to breath quickly. She felt a sob rise in her throat. It was true. It was true. He didn't love her. He- he-
Her thoughts raced. She stubbled backwards, head dizzy, then turned and fled.




I'm going to try to get back to writing more for a little while, I took a little break becuz... Well I just lost my inspiration for a little, but I'ma try and come back... I'll break it down for y'all when I've finished ALL my books. Lets jus say, I'm thinking about... something...

I'm not explaining yet.

☆◆ALAN BECKER AVA/M ONESHOT 2◆☆Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon